Competencies and objectives
Course context for academic year 2024-25
The course is conceived as an introduction to architectural analysis and ideation for first course students considering different types of exercises aimed at graphic analysis and inventiveness. Students will progressively become aware of the graphic variables that characterize drawings and will gradually attempt the representation of space and its proportions basically through the study of architectural motifs.
The sketches are oriented to the analysis and interpretation of architecture itself, as an object that is perceived by us. Therefore they refer to an existing architecture within a specific place, with all the nuances implied; using for that same reason the conical perspective as an interpretative tool for analyzing the visual appearance of the architecture. Thus, the use of traces and hues as an evocation of the chiaroscuro and of the depth in space is essential to grasp the nature of the materials and finishes against which the light is worn.
Abstractions, however, are directed to the core of the objects themselves: they try to analyze the formal order and the geometric structure characterizing a given material reality, not the visual appearance we have of it. Seeking, therefore, the very essence of being against the appearance of the contingent. Abstractions derived from physical realities as well as from abstract concepts will be proposed to students as a way to achieve a thorough analysis of the essential towards the introduction of an ideation practice.
Finally, since the work of architects is confined to the boundaries of space, compositional strategies in space will also be explored through the use of models, always in the context of ideation in space.
Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2024-25
General Competences (CG)
- CG.1 : Conèixer la història i les teories de l'arquitectura, així com les arts, tecnologies i ciències humanes relacionades amb aquesta.
- CG.2 : Conèixer el paper de les belles arts com a factor que pot influir en la qualitat de la concepció arquitectònica.
- CB 1 : Que els estudiants hagen demostrat posseir i comprendre coneixements en una àrea d'estudi que parteix de la base de l'educació secundària general i se sol trobar a un nivell que, si bé es basa en llibres de text avançats, inclou també alguns aspectes que impliquen coneixements procedents de l'avantguarda del seu camp d'estudi.
- CB 2 : Que els estudiants sàpien aplicar els coneixements al seu treball o vocació d'una forma professional i posseïsquen les competències que solen demostrar-se per mitjà de l'elaboració i defensa d'arguments i la resolució de problemes dins de la seua àrea d'estudi.
- CB 3 : Que els estudiants tinguen la capacitat de reunir i interpretar dades rellevants (normalment dins de la seua àrea d'estudi) per a emetre judicis que incloguen una reflexió sobre temes rellevants d'índole social, científica o ètica.
- CB 4 : Que els estudiants puguen transmetre informació, idees, problemes i solucions a un públic especialitzat o no especialitzat.
- CB 5 : Que els estudiants hagen desenvolupat les habilitats d'aprenentatge necessàries per a emprendre estudis posteriors amb un alt grau d'autonomia.
Inherent transversal competences:>>Cognitive Instrumental
- CT.10 : Habilitat per a l'anàlisi i la síntesi. Habilitat per a separar les parts d'un procés d'indagació i habilitat per a recompondre el tot a partir d'unes parts.
- CT.12 : Habilitat per al raonament crític. Capacitat de confrontar línies argumentals diverses, sistematitzant el dubte sobre qualsevol afirmació presentada.
- CT.13 : Habilitat per a l'estètica i la forma. Capacitat de posicionar-se críticament davant la bellesa.
- CT.14 : Habilitat per a l'elaboració del pensament abstracte. Habilitat per a construir conceptes genèrics a partir d'un coneixement empíric.
- CT.15 : Habilitat per a la imaginació, la fantasia i la creativitat. Habilitat per a traduir situacions imaginatives o creatives a diagrames o mapes amb els quals interactuar. Capacitat per a entendre la lògica, els recursos i les possibilitats de la fantasia.
Specific Competences:>>Preparatory Block
- CE.1T : Aptitud per a aplicar els procediments gràfics a la representació d'espais i objectes.
- CE.2T : Aptitud per a concebre i representar els atributs visuals dels objectes i dominar la proporció i les tècniques del dibuix, incloses les informàtiques.
- CE.4 : Coneixement adequat i aplicat a l'arquitectura i l'urbanisme de l'anàlisi i teoria de la forma i les lleis de la percepció visual.
- CE.6 : Coneixement adequat i aplicat a l'arquitectura i l'urbanisme de les tècniques d'alçament gràfic en totes les fases, des del dibuix d'anotacions fins a la restitució científica.
Specific Competences:>>Project Block
- CE.48 : Coneixement adequat de les teories generals de la forma, la composició i els tipus arquitectònics.
Learning outcomes (Training objectives)
No data
Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2024-25
General Skills (CG)
CG-1: Learn the history and theories of architecture as well as of the arts, technologies and human sciences related to it.
CG-2: Understand the role of the fine arts as an influential agent on the quality of the architectural design.
Degree’s transversal skills:
Cognitive instrumental skills
CT-10: Ability for the analysis and synthesis. The ability to separate the parts of a research process, and the ability to reconstruct the whole from a part.
CT-12: Ability of critical thought. Capacity to compare different storylines, systematizing the doubt on any submitted claim.
CT-13: Ability for aesthetics and form. Capacity to critically position oneself with regard to a beautiful object.
CT-14: Ability for the development of abstract thought. Ability to build generic concepts from empirical knowledge.
CT-15: Ability to imagine, fantasize, and be creative. Ability to translate creative or imaginative situations into diagrams or maps in order to interact with them. Ability to understand the logic of fantasy, its resources and possibilities.
Specific Skills:
Propedeutic block
CE-1T: Ability to apply graphic procedures to the representation of spaces and objects.
CE-2T: Ability to conceive and represent the visual attributes of objects mastering proportion and drawing techniques, including computer tools.
CE-4: Knowledge theory and of analysis of form as well as laws of visual perception adapted and applied to architecture and urbanism.
EC-6: Knowledge of graphic survey techniques at all stages, from drawing sketches to precise survey analysis adapted and applied to architecture and urbanism.
Specific Skills:
Design block
EC-48: Adequate knowledge of general theories of form, composition, and architectural types.
Basic Skills and MECES (Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education)
CB 1: Students should have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in their field of study parting from the basis of general secondary education, and is typically at a level that, whilst supported by advanced textbooks, includes also some aspects involving knowledge of the forefront of their field of study.
CB 2: Students should be able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and achieving the skills that may be shown through devising and sustaining arguments as well as solving problems within their field of study.
CB 3: Students should have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to state value judgments that involve the reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
CB 4: Students should be able to communicate information, ideas, problems, and solutions to both: specialist and non-specialist audiences.
CB 5: Students should have developed those learning skills needed to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.
Educational Objectives
Ability to create architectural designs that satisfy both aesthetic and technical requirements.
Adequate knowledge of the history and theories of architecture as well as related arts, technology and human sciences.
Understand the role of the fine arts as an influential agent on the quality of the architectural design.
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS:
Theoretical credits:
Practical credits:
Distance-base hours:
Departments involved
Theoretical credits: 0
Practical credits: 2,4
This Dept. is responsible for the course.
This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
Study programmes where this course is taught
Course type: CORE (Year: 1)