Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2021-22

La Química Física Avanzada es una asignatura del módulo fundamental del Grado en Química que se imparte en el quinto semestre del tercer curso. Con esta asignatura se pretende que el alumno se forme en diversos aspectos de la Química Física no tratados en otras asignaturas del área. El primer bloque de esta asignatura se centra en la Teoría Cinética de Gases y los Fenómenos de Transporte. El segundo está centrado en los Fenómenos de Superficie (incluyendo el estudio de la adsorción). Finalmente, el último bloque trata de las disoluciones de macromoléculas y de las dispersiones coloidales para finalmente tratar la Mecánica Estadística. Esta asignatura tiene una clara relación con asignaturas estudiadas en semestres anteriores. Materias como la Cuántica y la Termodinámica Química son necesarias para la comprensión de la Termodinámica Estadística. Por otro lado, los contenidos de esta asignatura son importantes para el desarrollo de la Cinética Química, que se estudiará en el sexto semestre de la titulación.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees)

Generic Degree Course Competences

  • CG1 : Develop the capacity for analysis, synthesis and critical reasoning.
  • CG2 : Show the capacity for effective and efficient management/direction: entrepreneurial spirit, initiative, creativity, organisation, planning, control, decision making and negotiation.
  • CG3 : Solve problems effectively.
  • CG4 : Show capacity for team work.
  • CG5 : Commitment to ethics, the values of equality and social responsibility as a citizen and professional.
  • CG6 : Self-learning.
  • CG7 : Show the capacity to adapt to new situations.
  • CG8 : Acquire a permanent concern for quality and the environment and risk prevention in the workplace.
  • CG9 : Show an ability to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.


Specific Competences:>>Theoretical

  • CE18 : Relate macroscopic properties with those of individual atoms and molecules, including macromolecules (natural and synthetic), polymers, colloids and other materials.
  • CE3 : Identify the characteristics of the different states of material and the theories used to describe them.
  • CE6 : Understand the principles of the thermodynamics and their applications in Chemistry.
  • CE7 : Understand the kinetics of chemical change and its applications, including catalysis and reaction mechanisms.


Specific Competences:>>Ability

  • CE24 : Show knowledge and understanding of the essential facts, concepts, principles and theories associated with the different areas of Chemistry
  • CE25 : Solve qualitative and quantitative problems using previously developed models
  • CE26 : Recognise and analyse new problems and plan strategies to solve them
  • CE27 : Interpret, evaluate and synthesise Chemical data and information.
  • CE29 : Process and compute data associated with chemical information.
  • CE30 : Handle chemical reagents, instruments and devices safely.
  • CE32 : Use standard chemical instruments for identification, quantification, separation and structural determination.
  • CE33 : Monitor by observing and measuring chemical properties, events or changes, gathering the appropriate information.
  • CE35 : Interpret data obtained from laboratory observation and measurement.
  • CE36 : Prepare, present and defend scientific reports both in writing and orally in front of an audience.
  • CE38 : Use inductive and deductive methods correctly in the field of Chemistry.
  • CE39 : Recognise and evaluate chemical processes in daily life.
  • CE40 : Relate Chemistry to other disciplines.


Generic UA Competences

  • CGUA2 : Express oneself correctly, both orally and in writing, in either of the official languages of the Region of Valencia.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2021-22

No data





Code: 26037
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,32
Practical credits: 1,08
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 1,32
    Practical credits: 1,08
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught