Competencies and objectives
Course context for academic year 2017-18
La asignatura Cinética Química se centra en el estudio de la velocidad de los procesos de transformación química y los factores que la pueden afectar, proporcionando el fundamento teórico y experimental de dicho estudio. Se proporciona una perspectiva tanto fenomenológica, como de los fundamentos más básicos de las teorías utilizadas para la interpretación y predicción de velocidades de reacción. Entre los tipos de cinéticas a estudiar se incluyen los de las reacciones homogéneas (tanto en fase gas como en disolución), heterogéneas, electroquímicas y fotoquímicas, incluyéndose el fenómeno de la catálisis.
Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2017-18
Generic Degree Course Competences
- CG1 : Develop the capacity for analysis, synthesis and critical reasoning.
- CG2 : Show the capacity for effective and efficient management/direction: entrepreneurial spirit, initiative, creativity, organisation, planning, control, decision making and negotiation.
- CG3 : Solve problems effectively.
- CG4 : Show capacity for teamwork.
- CG5 : Commitment to ethics, the values of equality and social responsibility as a citizen and professional.
- CG6 : Self-learning.
- CG7 : Show the capacity to adapt to new situations.
- CG8 : Acquire a permanent concern for quality, the environment and the prevention of occupational hazards.
- CG9 : Show the ability to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Specific Competences:>>Theoretical
- CE11 : Understand the principles of electrochemistry and its applications.
- CE7 : Understand the kinetics of chemical change and its applications, including catalysis and reaction mechanisms.
Specific Competences:>>Ability
- CE24 : Show knowledge and understanding of the essential facts, concepts, principles and theories associated with the different areas of Chemistry
- CE25 : Solve qualitative and quantitative problems using previously developed models.
- CE26 : Recognise and analyse new problems and plan strategies to solve them
- CE27 : Interpret, evaluate and synthesise Chemical data and information.
- CE29 : Process and compute data associated with chemical information.
- CE30 : Handle chemical reagents, instruments and devices safely.
- CE32 : Use standard chemical instruments for identification, quantification, separation and structural determination.
- CE33 : Monitor by observing and measuring chemical properties, events or changes, gathering the appropriate information.
- CE35 : Interpret data obtained from laboratory observation and measurement.
- CE36 : Prepare, present and defend scientific reports both in writing and orally in front of an audience.
- CE38 : Use inductive and deductive methods correctly in the field of Chemistry.
- CE39 : Recognise and evaluate chemical processes in daily life.
- CE40 : Relate Chemistry to other disciplines.
Generic UA Competences
- CGUA2 : Express oneself correctly, both orally and in writing, in either of the official languages of the Region of Valencia.
- CGUA4 : Adquirir o poseer las habilidades básicas en TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación) y gestionar adecuadamente la información obtenida.
Learning outcomes (Training objectives)
No data
Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2017-18
Lecturer responsible:
Iniesta Valcarcel, Jesus
Credits ECTS:
Theoretical credits:
Practical credits:
Distance-base hours:
Departments involved
Theoretical credits: 1,32
Practical credits: 1,08
This Dept. is responsible for the course.
This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
Study programmes where this course is taught
Course type: COMPULSORY (Year: 3)