Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2010-11


Trata de ofrecer al alumnado de este grado informaciópn adecuada y estrategias de actuaciónn encaminadas a conseguir lel desarrollo suficiente de as competencias nefesaria en el discurrir de la actividsad educativa referida a  la Lengua y a la Literatura Castellanas en el contexto de la Enseñanza Primaria.

Se relaciuona directamente con las asiognaturas de Didáctica Específica determinadas en el currículo y con el margen de optatividad que se ofrece al alumnadoi nteresado en la profundizaciòn de los  aspectos relacionados con la enseñanza de las destrezas básicas y de las habilidades de comunicación escritra y oral.

También se relaciona con la formación general en las destrezas comunicativas del alumnado cpomo individuo social integrado en un grupo uno de cuyos fundamentros es el uso del lenguaje como capacidad diferencial del ser humano, y de sus manifestaciones artísticas y culturales como elemento de especificidad y reconocimiento.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees)

General Competences (CG)

  • CG1 : Identify information needs and then find, analyse, process, evaluate and communicate it effectively, critically and creatively.
  • CG2 : Plan, organise and manage processes, information, problem-solving and projects. Possess initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and the ability to generate new ideas and actions.
  • CG3 : Show oral and written language skills for teaching (official languages of the Region of Valencia and foreign languages) and the ability to communicate on different levels in different registers.
  • CG5 : Work in a team, collaborating and leading when necessary.
  • CG7 : Capacity for criticism and self-criticism, giving reasoned judgements and ethical, professional and personal commitment. Motivated to improve quality.
  • CG8 : Understand learning as a global, complex and transcendent fact, control one's own learning and mobilise all kinds of knowledge, adapting to new situations and connecting knowledge as a means of creating new knowledge.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • CE11 : Understand that education in general and teaching and learning processes in particular are complex. Assume that working as a teacher means improving, updating and adapting to scientific, pedagogic, social and cultural change. Understand the importance of taking part in innovation and research projects related to teaching and learning, and of introducing innovative proposals into the classroom.
  • CE12 : Express oneself orally and in writing with the necessary fluency and precision in Catalan and Spanish to be able to teach at primary level and also use a foreign language as a vehicle in certain classroom situations.
  • CE3 : Organise teaching in the framework of the epistemological paradigms of the subjects of the degree course, combining one's knowledge of the discipline with the transversal and multidisciplinary knowledge needed for the respective levels of education, showing one's understanding of the learning aims of the areas of knowledge laid down in the primary education curriculum.
  • CE6 : Encourage students to act as responsible and critical citizens to promote the shared construction of democratic standards of coexistence and work together to resolve problematic situations and conflicts. Be able to analyse social inequalities in the framework of the complex education-school relationship and the role of teachers in reproducing and/or transforming them.
  • CE8 : Assume the ethical dimension of teaching, acting responsibly, making decisions and critically analysing educational concepts and proposals proceeding from both research and innovation and from educational administration.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2010-11

Además de los ya señalados, de manera expresa el alumando debería alcanzar los siguientes objetivos  de carácter formtivo:

1) Reconocer y utilizar los instrumentos de consulta capaces de dar respuesta precisa y eficaz a cuantas preguntas pudieran plantearse en el desarrollo de su actividad docente posterior.

2) Comprender  los fundamentos normativos de la lengua, el papel sancionador de usos Lingüísticos que tiene la Academia como institución  y reconocer el papel que como paradigma de uso comunicativo ejerce el maestro ante el alumnado.

2) Valorar y ordenar críticamente aquellos textos significativos en el proceso de enseñanzxa y desarrollo de las actividaeds lectoras y literarias de los ciclos de la enseñanza Primaria

3) Conocer los fundamentos de la Literatura canónica y de la Literatura juvenil como instrumento de evaluación y selección de fragmentos, textos completos y autores significativos en el contexto del desarrollo de las actividades docentes de la E. Primaria




Code: 17514
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,20
Practical credits: 1,20
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 0,6
    Practical credits: 0,6
    Theoretical credits: 0,6
    Practical credits: 0,6
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught