Competencies and objectives
Course context for academic year 2024-25
The user interface is the visible face of the application to the user. In general this is a neglected part in the different curricula of computer and related engineering.
This course aims to make the student aware of the need to take this part of the application into account as one more in the development process.
Students are provided with the theoretical / practical tools they will need both to perform a basic design of an application and to integrate the design made by a visual designer.
In order to evaluate the quality of the work done, a series of user interface quality metrics are also proposed.
Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2024-25
General Competences (CG)
- B1 : Capacity to understand and apply software development processes and methodologies based on model-led development to obtain distributed Web applications.
- B13 : Capacity to design systems that take into account usability and accessibility by using user-centred design techniques.
- B2 : Capacity to capture, define and specify user requirements using user-centred design techniques and model-led development.
- B3 : Capacity to detect and apply best practices based on the application of patterns in all stages of software development.
- B4 : Capacity to design and implement user interfaces satisfying quality requirements.
- B5 : Capacity to capture, design and implement the tests needed to ensure the quality of software systems.
- A1 : Capacidad de análisis y síntesis.
- A10 : Habilidad de adaptación al ambiente cambiante propio de la disciplina, sabiendo aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y resolver problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio.
- A11 : Capacidad de creatividad.
- A12 : Motivación por la calidad.
- A13 : Capacidad para mostrar información de forma clara atendiendo a un amplio conjunto de discapacidades técnicas, físicas y psíquicas.
- A2 : Capacidad de organización y planificación.
- A3 : Capacidad de comunicación oral y escrita de los conocimientos y conclusiones a públicos especializados y no especializados de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades.
- A4 : Capacidad de gestión de la información y de los recursos disponibles.
- A5 : Capacidad de trabajar en equipo con iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor.
- A6 : Habilidades en las relaciones interpersonales.
- A7 : Capacidad de razonamiento y extracción de conclusiones.
- A8 : Compromiso ético y respeto por la propiedad intelectual.
- A9 : Habilidad de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando de un modo que habrá de ser en gran medida auto-dirigido o autónomo.
Compulsory Specific Competences:>>Advanced Software Engineering
- C1.1 : Capacity to learn and apply the main techniques and concepts of model-led development that allow us to establish clear traceability between the models specified by the system and the final implementation obtained.
- C1.10 : Understand and interpret the standards, norms and guides relating to usability and accessibility.
- C1.11 : Capacity to learn to use the terms and concepts used in graphic design and the capacity to adopt style guides for the interfaces created.
- C1.12 : Understand average user behaviour regarding user interfaces and adapt your design accordingly.
- C1.13 : Capacity to design, implement and carry out system stress/load tests. Know how to analyse the results obtained to identify the limits borne by the system. Know how to identify critical points (bottlenecks) of the application.
- C1.14 : Capacity to design, implement and execute unitary, functional and integration tests on the basis of the requirements specified for the project.
- C1.15 : Capacity to design, implement and carry out system stress/load tests. Know how to analyse the results obtained to identify the limits borne by the system. Know how to identify critical points (bottlenecks) of the application.
- C1.16 : Capacity to analyse the results obtained from the tests o assess the level of quality obtained.
- C1.17 : Design and develop solutions based on the Service-Oriented Architecture paradigm, paying attention to the parameters of adaptation of the ICTs to the business process requirements of organisations.
- C1.18 : Design and implant software architecture systems and structures, paying attention to the characteristics of high availability, fault tolerance and continuity in business.
- C1.19 : Understand and know how to apply the main paradigms of distributed computing and Internet, taking project requirements into account.
- C1.2 : Capacity to apply model-led development to specific domains using domain-specific languages (DSL) and by using standard unified modelling language (UML) profiles.
- C1.20 : Prepare an iteration plan that allows you to plan and manage the development of an application by managing the environment, available resources, project duration and costs.
- C1.21 : Use a version control tool effectively for a team to develop a distributed Web application.
- C1.22 : Document the development of a distributed Web application correctly.
- C1.23 : Given the specification for an application, choose the technology set needed to implement said application.
- C1.24 : Capacity the domain model on the basis of user requirements.
- C1.25 : Capacity to allocate responsibilities, operating contracts for different kinds of domain using criteria of low coupling, high cohesion and manageable complexity.
- C1.3 : Capacity to learn and know how and when to develop a distributed Web application project using a model-led development methodology.
- C1.4 : Capacity to learn and know how and when to develop a distributed Web application project using an agile development methodology.
- C1.5 : Capacity to associate the set of artefacts (specifications, diagrams, code, etc.) applicable to each activity of the software process.
- C1.6 : Capacity to capture, define and specify the user requirements that allow us to establish the development, user interface and software system tests in a traceable manner.
- C1.7 : Capacity to detect and apply detailed design patterns.
- C1.8 : Capacity to detect and apply best practice patterns for distributed Web applications.
- C1.9 : Capacity to design and implement user interfaces that respect such quality requirements as usability, security and performance.
Learning outcomes (Training objectives)
No data
Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2024-25
The students will be able to design a user interface by complying with usability and accessibility guidelines for both operating system-based graphical environments and rich, classic Web interfaces. Specifically the acquired skills will be:
401-D01: Evaluate the usability of a Web application and a given user interface. Evaluate the accessibility of a Web application.
402-D02: Make a correct mockup (that complies with the principles of usability and good design) of the user interface of a Web application.
402-D03: Make a correct draft of the user interface of an application with a rich client.
Lecturer responsible:
Rizo Valero, David
Credits ECTS:
Theoretical credits:
Practical credits:
Distance-base hours:
Departments involved
Theoretical credits: 0,4
Practical credits: 0,4
This Dept. is responsible for the course.
This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
Study programmes where this course is taught
Course type: COMPULSORY (Year: 1)