Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2024-25

La asignatura de Mecánica Cuántica I es la primera asignatura de cuántica que se imparte en el grado en Física, concretamente en el primer semestre del tercer año.

Anteriormente los alumnos han recibido una formación necesaria de  conocimientos de Cálculo y Álgebra Lineal en las asignaturas Análisis de Varias Variables I y II, Álgebra Lineal I y Análisis funcional.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2024-25

General Competences (CG)

  • CG1 : Develop the capacity for analysis, synthesis and critical reasoning.
  • CG9 : Show the ability to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • CE1 : Understand and apply the fundamental concepts of physics.
  • CE10 : Be able to use computing tools to model and solve physical problems.
  • CE11 : Solve qualitative and quantitative problems using previously developed models.
  • CE12 : Recognize and analyze new problems and devise strategies to address them.
  • CE14 : Prepare, present and defend scientific reports both in writing and orally in front of an audience
  • CE9 : Being able to model complex phenomena translating physical problems into mathematical language.


UA Basic Transversal Competences

  • CGUA3 : Possess computer skills relevant to the field of study.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2024-25

No data




Code: 26229
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,44
Practical credits: 0,96
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 1,44
    Practical credits: 0,96
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught