Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2024-25

Economía aplicada a la empresa de edificación tiene como objetivo dar una visión integrada de la actividad en construcción desde la óptica de la economía general el análisis de los mercados y la inversión inmobiliaria

Los conocimientos impartidos son necesarios para el posterior desarrollo laboral del alumnado: La propia definición de perfil profesional muestra la relevancia de esta asignatura en el desarrollo del conjunto de competencias necesarias para ocupar los puestos de trabajo u ocupaciones afines entre sí y a tenor del resultado de las encuestas realizadas a los empleadores del sector inmobiliario materializadas en el Libro Blanco de Ingeniero de Edificación. De las funciones para las que capacita la titulación en ingeniería de edificación se encuentran las de ‘gestionar la producción’, ‘elaborar certificaciones parciales y finales’, ‘asesoramiento’ y tareas de ‘gestor de proyectos y administrador’. Esta asignatura aporta los conocimientos fundamentales sobre el entorno económico de los mercados inmobiliarios, las herramientas de análisis utilizadas fundamentalmente en las funciones antes mencionadas y la comprensión del contexto y evolución en que se desarrolla la actividad edificadora.




Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2024-25

General Competences (CG)

  • G6 : Suitable understanding of the concept of the company, its institutional framework, organisational models, planning, control and strategic decision making in settings of certainty, risk and uncertainty, production systems, costs, planning, sources of finance and drafting financial plans and budgets.
  • G7 : Capacity to organise small companies and participate as a member of multidisciplinary teams in large companies.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • E17 : Capacity to programme and organise building processes, site equipment and the technical and human resources needed to execute and maintain them.
  • E19 : Ability to draft studies, basic studies and health and safety plans, and coordinate safety in the project stage or work execution stage.
  • E23 : Capacity to prepare and calculate basic, auxiliary, unit and breakdown costs of units of work; analyse and monitor costs during building, draft budgets.
  • E24 : Ability to develop market surveys and valuations, real estate feasibility studies, surveys and financial evaluation of hazards and damage in building.
  • E25 : Capacity to analyse and carry out building evacuation projects
  • E26 : Understand the regulatory framework of town planning and its management.
  • E35 : Capacity to recognise the behaviour and evolution of the housing market to carry out investment projects. Ability to use the body of knowledge and basic economic tools, including the role of certain key indicators such as inflation, economic growth and unemployment, to resolve problems related with the housing markets. Develop arguments for the preparation of projects in different economic scenarios. Capacity to calculate cost structures and their evolution, as well as inflation, prices and production for their inclusion in the technical reports related with bids or promotional activity. Capacity to calculate the final sale price of real estate assets.
  • E37 : Comprender la lógica y el funcionamiento del entorno económico donde se integra la empresa de construcción. Comprender conceptos como inflación, desempleo, PIB, productividad, sector público, inversión, mercado de viviendas, política de viviendas o licitación, entre otros, y sus implicaciones para la empresa promotora. Aprender el funcionamiento de los sistemas de gestión financiera de la empresa constructora, estructura bancaria, medios de pago. Aprender y comprender el funcionamiento del Mercado inmobiliario y el de viviendas en España, con el objeto de facilitar la toma de decisiones de construcción. Resolver problemas prácticos de la empresa de edificación mediante la utilización de herramientas de cálculo económico, como el cálculo de una cuota hipotecaria, estimar el crecimiento de los costes de construcción, calcular la accesibilidad de las familias a la vivienda o el ritmo de crecimiento de los precios, entre otros.
  • E39 : Suitable understanding of the economic environment in which building companies operate, their institutional framework, organisational models and planning. Market foundations, production model, costs structure of the financial system and its working, housing and building market mechanisms. Identify the reactions of supply and demand in the residential market and identify the driving forces behind building in an area. Interpret market signals and changes in land regulation and other by-laws related to the supply and demand of housing. Recognise the importance of overall economic change and its effects on the working of the housing market on building companies. Capacity to calculate the evolution of costs, inflation, prices and production to integrate them into technical reports associated with bids or development activity. Capacity to calculate the final sale price of real estate assets.


General Transversal Competences

  • G11 : Skills in a foreign language.
  • G12 : Computer and information technology skills.
  • G13 : Oral and written communication skills.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2024-25

No data




Code: 16014
Lecturer responsible:
Juárez Tárraga, Francisco
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 0,00
Practical credits: 2,40
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 2,4
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught