Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2023-24

Dentro de la formación en literatura de una segunda lengua que adquiere el alumnado en la titulación, la asignatura "Literatura latina: poesía lírica y didáctica" aporta conocimientos de literatura latina, en su condición de referente básico para la conformación y desarrollo de las diversas literaturas europeas estudiadas en los diferentes Grados de Filología. Ubicada en primer curso, se complementa con la asignatura de segundo curso "Literatura latina: poesía épica y amorosa" y en ambas se ofrece un análisis descriptivo de las características, obras y cultivadores más destacados de los subgéneros poéticos latinos más importantes durante s. I a. C. y primeras décadas de s. I d. C., que corresponden a la tradicionalmente llamada "época clásica" de la literatura latina.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2023-24



General Competences (CG)

  • CG1 : Ability to obtain and manage information to allow learning throughout life.
  • CG10 : Relate Arabic Studies with Philology and other disciplines, as well as work in interdisciplinary teams in national and international contexts.
  • CG11 : Appreciate diversity, plurilingualism and multiculturalism in modern society.
  • CG12 : Respect fundamental rights and promote democratic values, equality of men and women, equal opportunities and universal accessibility for the disabled and the values of peaceful culture.
  • CG2 : Capacity to put the knowledge acquired into practice.
  • CG3 : Capacity to plan and manage time.
  • CG4 : Capacity to work and learn both autonomously and in a team.
  • CG5 : Capacity for self-criticism that enhances one's concern for quality and continuous improvement.
  • CG6 : Interpret, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information scientifically and critically.
  • CG7 : Make decisions, solve problems and adapt to new situations.
  • CG8 : Generate new ideas, design and manage projects with initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • CG9 : Transmit knowledge of one's disciplines, prepare and defend arguments and present problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • CE1 : Understand the key theories of the disciplines associated with Arab and Islamic Studies and apply them in practice to be able to operate appropriately in the different professional profiles accessible through the degree qualification or undertake further studies with a high level of autonomy.
  • CE12 : Understand a second language of those proposed in the degree course.
  • CE13 : Understand and analyse the main stages, movements, authors and works of literature in a second language of those proposed in the degree course.
  • CE7 : Understand the characteristics and evolution of literature in the Arabic language to understand the role of its manifestations in building classical and contemporary literary thinking and assess its impact on the Arab social context and its relationship with other literatures.


Transversal Competences

  • CGUA2 : Be able to use basic ICT tools at user level.
  • CGUA3 : Be able to express oneself correctly in one of the two official languages of the Region of Valencia, in the context of one's discipline.




General Competences (CG)

  • CG3 : Capacity to develop reading, analysis and synthesis techniques.
  • CG4 : Capacity to manage and use the resources provided by the information and communications technologies and apply those to the language and literature industries.
  • CG5 : Ability to understand the main stages, movements, writers and works of the literature of the second language.


General Competences acquired at University of Alicante (CGUA)

  • CGUA1 : Capacity to communicate in a second language in communicative situations (oral and written), with students acquiring a level equivalent to B1 of the common European framework of reference.
  • CGUA3 : Ability to communicate effectively and have linguistic understanding of one of the two official languages of the Region of Valencia (Spanish or Catalan) in their discipline.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • CE10 : Capacity to use the pertinent resources and materials for self-learning (bibliographies, dictionaries, reference works, terminological works, tutorials, new technologies) and transmit the information in the Catalan language.
  • CE11 : Be able to develop reading, analysis and synthesis techniques, formulate working hypotheses, demonstrate them with arguments and reach conclusions, as well as recognise and ensure the textual coherence (structure of the text, organisation of ideas, progression of information, use of keywords), to explain and argue any subject related to Catalan language and literature, thus achieving the role of expert, transmitter and adviser regarding the knowledge acquired.
  • CE7 : Capacity to understand the historical trends of literature in the Catalan language and its context, to define the evolution of literary thinking in the Catalan language and its social impact.
  • CE8 : Capacity to understand the different epochs, movements, models and values described in Catalan literature, as well as the traditions in which they are set, the specific textual resources used, paying special attention to the comparative study of common and different elements, within the same or between different literary contexts.




Specific Competences (CE)

  • CE11 : Capacity to use pertinent resources and materials: bibliographic repertories, reference works and the new ICTs as an autonomous learner able to control the learning process and progress independently in it.
  • CE12 : Capacity to respect, value and take advantage of multilingualism and multiculturalism as a social agent participating in building a plural and tolerant society on the basis of the multicultural configuration of the Francophone world.
  • CE14 : Capacity to interpret and analyse the main stages, movements, writers and works of the Literature of a second language.
  • CE6 : Capacity to analyse and criticise literary texts as a creative manifestation and reflection of the sociocultural context.


Generic Degree Course Competences

  • CG1 : Capacity to work and learn both autonomously and in a team.
  • CG10 : Capacity for self-criticism that enhances one's concern for quality and continuous improvement.
  • CG11 : Capacity to respect fundamental rights, the equality of men and women, the respect for and promotion of Human Rights and the principles of equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for the disabled.
  • CG12 : Capacity to understand the role of language in the construction of human beings as active members of a linguistic and cultural community and relate this to the function of individuals in society.
  • CG2 : Ability to obtain and manage information to allow learning throughout life.
  • CG3 : Capacity to interpret, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information in a critical manner.
  • CG4 : Capacity to master the key theories, perspectives and conceptualisations for building the theoretical framework of the linguistic, cultural and literary disciplines applied to the French language and its literatures as an expert on the subject in one's different professional profiles.
  • CG6 : Capacity to transmit knowledge of one's discipline, prepare and defend arguments and explain problems to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.


Generic UA Competences

  • CGUA2 : Capacity use basic ICT tools at user level.
  • CGUA3 : Capacity to communicate and express oneself correctly in one of the two official languages of the Region of Valencia, in the context of one's discipline.




Generic Degree Course Competences

  • CG1 : Capacity to master the key theories, perspectives and conceptualisations for building the theoretical framework of the linguistic, cultural and literary disciplines applied to the Spanish language and its literature as an expert on the subject in one's different professional profiles.
  • CG3 : Be able to develop reading, analysis and synthesis techniques.


Generic UA Competences

  • CUA3 : Be able to express oneself orally and in writing in one's discipline in one of the two official languages of the Region of Valencia.


Specific Competences (CE):>>Conceptual

  • CC15 : Understand the main stages, movements, writers and works of literature in the second language.


Specific Competences (CE):>>Procedural

  • CP20 : Capacity to use the pertinent materials and resources: bibliographic repertories, dictionaries, works of reference, critical editions, translations and ICTs as an independent learner able to control one's own learning process and make the corresponding independent progress.


Specific Competences (CE):>>Attitude

  • CA22 : Be able to value and take advantage of multilingualism and multiculturalism as a social agent participating in the construction of a plural and tolerant society on the basis of the multicultural configuration of the Spanish-speaking world.
  • CA23 : Be able to show a critical and self-critical attitude during the learning process.
  • CA24 : Capacity to demonstrate social commitment to the equality of men and women, the plural and diverse nature of modern society, peace and democracy.




General Competences (CG)

  • CG1 : Capacity for analysis, synthesis and critical reasoning.
  • CG2 : Oral and written communication in one's mother tongue.
  • CG3 : Research skills.
  • CG5 : Ability to work without supervision.
  • CG6 : Capacity to understand the role of language in the construction of human beings as active members of linguistic and cultural communities and relate it to the function of individuals in society.
  • CG8 : Capacity to respect fundamental rights, the equality of men and women, the respect for and promotion of Human Rights and the principles of equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for the disabled.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • CE10 : To know the literature of a language other than English (one of the two official languages of the Region of Valencia or a second foreign language).
  • CE16 : Be able to use and understand literary analysis techniques and methods.
  • CE2 : Be able to master one's mother tongue in practice and in theory.
  • CE26 : Be able to relate the different aspects of Philology with each other and with other disciplines.
  • CE4 : Be able to learn a classical language (Latin or Greek), its literature and other cultural aspects.


UA Basic Transversal Competences

  • UA1 : Be able to communicate in a second language other than English in the context of one's discipline.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2023-24

No data




Code: 31910
Lecturer responsible:
Mesa Sanz, Juan Francisco
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,20
Practical credits: 1,20
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 1,2
    Practical credits: 1,2
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught