Competencies and objectives
Course context for academic year 2023-24
The subject "International Politics and Global Governance" has been designed for students acquire basic but solid knowledge in international politics within the framework of global governance. All of it by developing general and specific skills in this area, allowing an adequate application of the learned oriented to a qualified professional performance and quality, once concluded their formative university stage. In order to achieve these goals special importance is given to the balance and correct incardination between the theoretical and practical classes.
The subject is taught and managed by the Political Science and Administration Area, attached to the Department of Legal Studies of the State, of the University of Alicante. Basic First Year Training, First Semester. Degree in International Relations). 6 ECTS credits (60 contact hours and 90 hours of independent student work). Compulsory
In addition to the competences of the subject (verified by the ANECA in official degrees and master's degrees), the subject includes the following competences:
• CG1. Analyze, evaluate and reason about different international situations.
• CG2. Acquire the ability to negotiate, mediate, persuade and communicate in the field of international relations.
• CG4. Be able to obtain and manage information and documentation related to the scientific areas under study.
• CE3. Differentiate between competences and functions of the State, international organizations and non-state actors in the international system.
• CE5. Know how to use the main methods and techniques (quantitative and qualitative) of the social sciences in the analysis of international events and trends in contemporary international society.
• CE17. Understand international politics, international organizations and the processes of regionalization and regional integration, through the identification of their political actors, their institutionality, activity and organizational and political interaction; as well as the possible scenarios that global governance faces.
(1) Theoretical classes: interactive expository sessions for the exposition of conceptual and theoretical contents (45 hours face-to-face and 67.5 autonomous work).
(2) Theoretical-practical seminars and workshops: practical class aimed at the resolution of cases and analysis of reports and specialized documents (15 hours face-to-face and 22.5 autonomous work).
-Individual work: organization of the subject, study, realization of text analysis or search in libraries, essay writing. Active student learning based on different sources of information.
Classes of theory, practical cases, analysis of doctrinal text, reports and specialized documents. General review of matters addressed.
Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2023-24
Transversal Competences
- CT1 : Capacitats informàtiques i informacionales
- CT2 : Ser capaç de comunicar-se correctament tant de forma oral com a escrita
- CT3 : Capacitat d'anàlisi i síntesi
- CT4 : Capacidad de organización y planificación
General Competences
- CG2 : Valorar amb esperit crític la realitat internacional i els seus problemes específics
- CG4 : Obtenir i gestionar la informació relativa a l'àmbit de les relacions internacionals
- CG6 : Saber expressar-se oralment de forma correcta sobre temes internacionals
- CG7 : Adquirir la capacitat d'aprenentatge autònom
Specific Competences
- CE1 : Analitzar la naturalesa i característiques de les relacions entre els actors internacionals i particularment entre els Estats.
- CE8 : Conèixer i relacionar els sistemes polítics dels Estats, les seues institucions i els processos de decisió, en particular respecte de la política exterior
Learning outcomes (Training objectives)
No data
Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2023-24
As a basis for the adequate training of graduates in International Relations, the main objective of the subject is to fulfill with the training criteria defined in the competences of the subject. This will allow the student a solid and critical knowledge on the subject, in the frame of Political Science and Administration studies. Students will use some analysis tools which will allow them to understand and study international political and social processes.
It is considered as instrumental objectives of the subject the ability to argue and debate on theoretical / practical formulations related to the field of the subject study of the subject study. Other instrumental objectives to be achieved will be to build up theoretical arguments to be applied to specific cases of analysis of the international political context, as well as the correct definition of ideas and facts, expressed orally and /or in writing.
Facilitate the analysis and scrutiny of the information gathered as well as the promotion of an intellectually critical attitude that allows deepening the issues and the formative and argumentative debate is another of the specific objectives. All of this, focused on the understanding of the treated topic and, in its case, to the tolerance considering the different positions.
Develop the ability to discern about the intellectual quality of a formulation as well as the tolerance to value what is foreign. This capacity also entails a significant attitudinal objective that implies the following: the appreciation of the work of others, the increase of cooperation among students, the development of collaboration and participation techniques, the sense of relevance, solidarity and responsibility as factors and social values in a community of students.
Lecturer responsible:
Romero Tarín, Adela
Credits ECTS:
Theoretical credits:
Practical credits:
Distance-base hours:
Departments involved
Theoretical credits: 1,8
Practical credits: 0,6
This Dept. is responsible for the course.
This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
Study programmes where this course is taught
Course type: CORE (Year: 2)
Course type: CORE (Year: 1)