Competencies and objectives
Course context for academic year 2023-24
La asignatura de Buceo Científico es una de las Optativas del octavo semestre (4º curso) del Grado de Ciencias del Mar. El objetivo principal es la introducción del alumnado en las técnicas de inmersión, principalmente dirigidas al buceo científico.
El trabajo en inmersión es una de las principales metodologías de muestreo en ambientes marinos. Para determinadas especies, hábitats y/o condiciones, el buceo se convierte en la herramienta más útil e incluso, en algunas ocasiones, la única. Debido a que esta asignatura está orientada al muestreo, en ciertos aspectos puede estar relacionada con conocimientos adquiridos con otras asignaturas del Grado como el reconocimiento de especies (Biología Marina, Fundamentos de Zoología, Zoología Marina y Botánica Marina) o el tratamiento de datos (Estadística, Estadística Aplicada a los Recursos Marinos, Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Teledetección).
En el contexto profesional, los contenidos de la asignatura están claramente orientados hacia la investigación en el medio marino.
Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2023-24
Specific Competences:>>Theoretical
- CE1 : Possess a basic understanding of molecular structure, genetics, cell organisation and the evolutionary processes of living beings.
- CE10 : Understand the different adaptations (morphological, physical, conduct) of living beings in the marine environment.
- CE13 : Understand basic sampling techniques for water column, seabed and associated organisms, as well as measurement techniques for structural and dynamic variables.
- CE14 : Acquire knowledge of the different fields of application (resources, planning and management, infrastructures, etc.) of the marine sciences.
- CE7 : Understand the structural and functional organisation of marine organisms and their biological diversity.
- CE8 : Understand the basic principles of ecology, the structure and function of ecosystems, developing it for the marine and coastal environment.
Specific Competences:>>Ability
- CE21 : Use the necessary information and documentation for the separation, identification and cataloguing of marine organisms.
- CE22 : Capacity to gather data (oceanographic, biological, sediment, logical, chemical, etc.), evaluate, process and interpret it as per the theories in use.
- CE25 : Interpret, characterise and map marine and coastal communities.
- CE26 : Acquire the ability to design, process information, draft and execute projects related with marine and coastal environments.
- CE34 : Apply the knowledge and techniques acquired to characterise ecosystems and propose conservation, management and restoration measures.
- CE35 : Know and understand the importance of bio-indicators in the marine environment, as well as their evaluation and monitoring.
Learning outcomes (Training objectives)
No data
Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2023-24
Lecturer responsible:
Valle Pérez, Carlos
Credits ECTS:
Theoretical credits:
Practical credits:
Distance-base hours:
Departments involved
Theoretical credits: 0,4
Practical credits: 2
This Dept. is responsible for the course.
This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
Study programmes where this course is taught
Course type: OPTIONAL (Year: 4)