Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2023-24

Within a tourism context of high competitiveness, both mature tourism destinations and emerging areas that have potential resources for the tourism dynamization of the territory, have to undertake processes of territorial tourism planning, as well as develop management instruments and useful tools to place or maintain them with an advantage in the complex tourism market.
Based on this need, this subject is focused on the explanation of the essential foundations of the territorial planning process for tourism purposes.
With an eminently applied vocation, the methodological and conceptual bases of planning, related to sustainability and social equity, will be explained during the lessons for the most appropriate tourism development according to its application in different areas. In addition, the different ways of approaching planning will be dealt with in order to apply the knowledge on different cases studies. For this purpose, the different territorial planning stages will be analysed, from the preliminary analysis and diagnosis to the definition of strategies, programmes and realistic actions adapted to the social, economic and environmental context.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2023-24

General Competences acquired at University of Alicante (CGUA)

  • CGUA4 : Be able to commit oneself ethically with sustainability, fundamental rights, equality of men and women, the principles of equal opportunity and universal accessibility for the disabled, as well as the values of a peaceful, democratic culture.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • CE18 : Identify and manage tourist areas and destinations.
  • CE23 : Analyse the impacts generated by tourism.
  • CE28 : Understand the objectives, strategies and public instruments of planning.
  • CE32 : Detect technical planning needs for tourist infrastructures and facilities.
  • CE8 : Evaluate tourist potential and the prospective analysis of exploiting it.
  • CE9 : Analyse, synthesise, and critically summarise the net worth financial information of tourist organisations.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2023-24

1. To understand the dynamic and evolving nature of tourism and the new leisure society in order to understand the need to plan new tourism development in emerging areas , as well as to restructure and reorientation of existing destinations.
2. To interpret the sources of economic, social, environmental and tourism information that allow an approach to the reality of a region before tackling the planning task.
3. To evaluate tourism potentials and the prospective analysis of their exploitation.
4. To identify and manage tourism areas and destinations.
5. To analyse the tourism impacts.
6. To know the political and administrative structure of tourism and the competences of each political level has in terms of tourism planning and management
7. To understand the different stages of the tourism planning process, from the analysis and preliminary diagnosis to the definition of strategies, programmes and actions.
8. To be able to assimilate different ways of approaching tourism planning, according to the field of application and to extrapolate the experiences on nearby environments with similar problems.
9. To know different ways of applying the strategies derived from the planning process and understand their implications.
Conceptual objectives
10. To understand how the socio-economic, environmental, institutional and cultural context affects the development process of tourist activity and, therefore, the territorial planning of tourism.
11. To recognise the diversity of possible starting situations in planning and be able to understand and apply the most appropriate method according to the circumstances.
12. To be able to identify the most adapted management instruments to the situations of the planned territory.
13. To plan the tourism territory in accordance with the principles of sustainability.
14. To know the objectives, strategies and public instruments of planning.
15. To detect needs for technical planning of tourism infrastructures and facilities.

Procedural objectives
16. To be able to delimit the starting scale and the most appropriate objectives for the planning of a territory according to the initial factors and work with this as an investigation from which to draw conclusions that can be extrapolated to other areas.
17. Based on case studies, to evaluate tourism potentials, prioritise possible actions and carry out a prospective analysis of their exploitation in different areas.
18. To select the most appropriate strategic lines of action for the territory to be planned on the basis of the initial data.
19. To be able to propose the most appropriate management instruments for the implementation of the lines of action resulting from the planning.

Attitudinal objectives
20. To understand the importance of planning in tourism development in order to avoid the negative economic, social and cultural impacts that can be caused by an unsustainable growth of this activity.




Code: 23538
Lecturer responsible:
Such Climent, Mari Paz
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,20
Practical credits: 1,20
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 1,2
    Practical credits: 1,2
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught