Competencies and objectives
Course context for academic year 2022-23
Theory of Literature is a literary scientific and philological discipline whose object of study are general problems affecting literature, text and literary phenomena. In this context, the THEORY OF LITERATURE II (31820) subject offers the student literary theoretical and literary critical concepts belonging to the great schools of the 20th century: historical and conceptual-systemic knowledge necessary to perform the analysis of literary language from its theory perspective, and the consequent capacity of relating theory and literary praxis; and the knowledge of similarities and differences between the different types of literary texts (or genres) and between theses and non-literary texts. The THEORY OF LITERATURE II (31820) subject constitutes therefore one of the basic pillars of the Degree, since it manifests itself, on one hand, as an abstract, general and theoretical reflection on literary works from a historical and conceptual-systemic perspective, on the other hand, as the natural space for the literary-scientific analysis of literary manifestations from a evaluative-analytical (comparative and literary critical) perspective.
Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2022-23
General Competences (CG)
- CG1 : Capacity to master the key theories, perspectives and conceptualisations for constructing the theoretical framework of linguistic and literary disciplines applied to Catalan language and literature as an expert on the subject and in different professional profiles.
- CG3 : Capacity to develop reading, analysis and synthesis techniques.
- CG4 : Capacity to manage and use the resources provided by the information and communications technologies and apply those to the language and literature industries.
- CG7 : Social commitment to the equality of men and women, the plurality and diversity of the realities of modern society, to peace and democracy.
General Competences acquired at University of Alicante (CGUA)
- CGUA2 : Be able to use basic ICT tools at user level.
- CGUA3 : Ability to communicate effectively and have linguistic understanding of one of the two official languages of the Region of Valencia (Spanish or Catalan) in their discipline.
Specific Competences (CE)
- CE1 : Capacity to communicate in the Catalan language in communicative situations (oral and written), allowing fluid communication in the professional and academic areas in which the student will be working in the future, taking into account his/her knowledge of the historical, social, cultural and artistic reality of his/her context.
- CE10 : Capacity to use the pertinent resources and materials for self-learning (bibliographies, dictionaries, reference works, terminological works, tutorials, new technologies) and transmit the information in the Catalan language.
- CE11 : Be able to develop reading, analysis and synthesis techniques, formulate working hypotheses, demonstrate them with arguments and reach conclusions, as well as recognise and ensure the textual coherence (structure of the text, organisation of ideas, progression of information, use of keywords), to explain and argue any subject related to Catalan language and literature, thus achieving the role of expert, transmitter and adviser regarding the knowledge acquired.
- CE12 : Capacity to understand, value and take advantage of multilingualism with an attitude favouring the standardisation of Catalan, to participate in cultural and linguistic diversity, as well as promoting it to ensure the better social development of the language.
- CE3 : Capacity to understand the pragmatic, textual and discursive characteristics of the Catalan language to use, transmit and apply knowledge to the analysis, comprehension and production of Catalan in oral and written forms.
- CE7 : Capacity to understand the historical trends of literature in the Catalan language and its context, to define the evolution of literary thinking in the Catalan language and its social impact.
- CE8 : Capacity to understand the different epochs, movements, models and values described in Catalan literature, as well as the traditions in which they are set, the specific textual resources used, paying special attention to the comparative study of common and different elements, within the same or between different literary contexts.
- CE9 : Capacity to identify the currents of literary criticism, their categories, concepts and nomenclature as a key factor in the development of the capacity to criticise and analyse text (literary, cinematographic, advertising), as regards the creative manifestation and reflection of the sociocultural context.
Generic Degree Course Competences
- CG1 : Capacity to master the key theories, perspectives and conceptualisations for building the theoretical framework of the linguistic, cultural and literary disciplines applied to the Spanish language and its literature as an expert on the subject in one's different professional profiles.
- CG2 : Capacity to understand the role of language in the construction of human beings as active members of linguistic and cultural communities and relate it to the function of individuals in society.
- CG3 : Be able to develop reading, analysis and synthesis techniques.
- CG4 : Capacity to communicate in the second official language of the Region of Valencia.
Generic UA Competences
- CUA2 : Be able to use basic ICT tools at user level.
- CUA3 : Be able to express oneself orally and in writing in one's discipline in one of the two official languages of the Region of Valencia.
Specific Competences (CE):>>Conceptual
- CC5 : Capacity to communicate in the language of the speciality (Spanish) and in a second language in oral and written situations to enable fluid communication in the future professional and/or academic contexts the student will be involved with in the future.
Specific Competences (CE):>>Procedural
- CP18 : Be able to use the standard model of the Spanish language and the mechanisms of lexical creation and innovation as an active member of a society in permanent evolution to adapt the Spanish language to the communication needs of its speakers.
- CP19 : Capacity to identify currents of literary criticism, their categories, concepts and anomenclature, as a basic tool for developing the ability to analyse and criticise text (literary, cinematographic, advertising, etc.), as regards the creative manifestation and reflection of the sociocultural context.
- CP20 : Capacity to use the pertinent materials and resources: bibliographic repertories, dictionaries, works of reference, critical editions, translations and ICTs as an independent learner able to control one's own learning process and make the corresponding independent progress.
- CP21 : Be able to explain and argue the theoretical and practical content of Spanish language and literature as one who understands and transmits this knowledge, as well as giving oral and written advice on the knowledge acquired.
Specific Competences (CE):>>Attitude
- CA22 : Be able to value and take advantage of multilingualism and multiculturalism as a social agent participating in the construction of a plural and tolerant society on the basis of the multicultural configuration of the Spanish-speaking world.
- CA23 : Be able to show a critical and self-critical attitude during the learning process.
- CA24 : Capacity to demonstrate social commitment to the equality of men and women, the plural and diverse nature of modern society, peace and democracy.
Learning outcomes (Training objectives)
No data
Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2022-23
General objectives
1. To know the epistemological and methodological fundamentals of literary studies.
2. To analyse literary works by applying different theories and critical strands.
Conceptual objectives
3. To acquire basic knowledge on Theory of Literature regarding the literary theoretical and literary critical concepts which belong to the great schools of the 20th century.
4. To acquire historic and conceptual-systemic knowledge necessary to perform the analyses of literary language from its theory perspective, and the consequent capacity of relating theory and literary praxis.
5. To understand and explain the similarities and differences between the different types of literary texts (or genres) and between theses and non-literary texts.
Procedural objectives
6. To describe and explain the historical development of the literary theoretical and literary critical thought along the 20th century.
7. To identify the literary critical strands of the 20th century, as well as their categories, concepts and nomenclature.
8. To know the theoretical and practical fundamentals of the analysis of literary texts and of the analysis of literary theoretical texts.
9. To critically analyse contemporary literary theoretical and literary critical texts.
10. To make use of relevant resources and materials: bibliographical catalogues, dictionaries, reference books, critical editions, translations and ICT as an autonomous learner able to control their own learning process and to independently make progress in it.
11. To describe and explain the general problems affecting literary language and its communication, by systematically approaching the following linguistic description planes of the literary artistic work: phonologic and graphic-and-spatial, morphologic and syntactic, semantic, referential and pragmatic.
12. To analyse syntax, semantics and pragmatics of literary texts.
13. To describe and explain the historical development of literary theoretical and literary critical thought related to the theory of literary genres.
14. To describe and explain the similarities and differences between the different classes of literary texts (or genres) and between these and non-literary texts.
15. To critically analyse lyrical, narrative, dramatic and essay texts.
Attitudinal objectives
16. To be aware of the significance of literature in particular and of art in general for the cultural structure of communities producing these phenomena.
17. To be aware of the significance of Theory of Literature and its place in Human Sciences for shaping literary scientific studies in particular and philological studies in general.
18. To build a personal reasonable view of the literary theoretical discipline.
19. To build an attitude of respect for every literature on the identification of aesthetic, formal and thematic patterns which are common to all of them.
Lecturer responsible:
Chico Rico, Francisco
Credits ECTS:
Theoretical credits:
Practical credits:
Distance-base hours:
Departments involved
Theoretical credits: 1,2
Practical credits: 1,2
This Dept. is responsible for the course.
This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
Study programmes where this course is taught
Course type: COMPULSORY (Year: 2)
Course type: CORE (Year: 2)
Course type: CORE (Year: 2)
Course type: CORE (Year: 2)
Course type: COMPULSORY (Year: 2)