Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2022-23

Microbiology is the branch of Biology that focuses on the study of microbes. The goal of this subject is to provide a basic vision of the essential characteristics of microorganisms, with special emphasis on prokaryotic microbes (Bacteria and Archaea) and viruses. Microbiology is taught during the third semester of Biology Degree, after the students have taken the basic subjects needed to the correct understanding of this matter.

Microbes are the most abundant living organisms on Earth and constitute a significant part of its biomass. Through their central role in biogeochemical cycles (some processes such as nitrogen fixation or methanogenesis are exclusively carried out by prokaryotes), microbes have an essential role in the global functioning of the planet and help to the sustainable development of the biosphere. Moreover, they play a very relevant function in human activities, either as human pathogens or protecting humans from infection, and can be used in processes related to economic and environmental interests. Microbes are also important tools for the study of evolution and diversification of living organisms.

The knowledge of Microbiology is a key for the comprehension of life and is an instrumental subject for the basic training of future biologists. Furthermore, Microbiology is especially required for the professional activity within sanitary fields (laboratories for disease diagnoses or food safety, for instance), industrial activities and research areas (spanning from Molecular Microbiology to Microbial Ecology).



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2022-23

Specific Competences:>>Theoretical

  • CE11 : Conèixer els principis de la sistemàtica i la filogènia.
  • CE15 : Identificar les principals vies metabòliques.
  • CE18 : Analitzar l'estructura i funció dels virus, cèl·lules, teixits, òrgans i sistemes animals i vegetals.
  • CE21 : Aïllar, cultivar i modificar microorganismes, cèl·lules i teixits d'organismes pluricel·lulars.
  • CE22 : Analitzar i interpretar el desenvolupament, el creixement i els cicles biològics dels éssers vius.
  • CE28 : Adquirir els coneixements necessaris per a dissenyar i executar projectes en biologia.
  • CE5 : Comprendre el concepte de vida i conèixer el seu origen i història, juntament amb la de la Terra.
  • CE7 : Comprendre els mecanismes i models evolutius.
  • CE8 : Comprendre i conèixer les bases genètiques de la biodiversitat.
  • CE9 : Identificar organismes i interpretar la diversitat d'espècies en el medi, així com el seu origen, evolució i comportament.


Specific Competences:>>Ability

  • CE32 : Manipular amb seguretat material biològic, reactius, instruments i dispositius d'aplicació en biologia.
  • CE34 : Planificar, dissenyar i executar investigacions pràctiques, i valorar-ne els resultats.
  • CE36 : Elaborar, presentar i defensar informes científics i tècnics tant de manera escrita com oral davant d'una audiència.
  • CE37 : Saber cercar, analitzar, comprendre i redactar textos científics i tècnics.
  • CE39 : Reconèixer i valorar els processos biològics en la vida diària.
  • CE42 : Saber identificar, analitzar, catalogar organismes biològics.
  • CE45 : Realitzar bioassajos i diagnòstics biològics.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2022-23

  • To identify microbes as the most abundant and diverse living organisms on Earth
  • To know the diversity and ubiquity of microorganisms





Code: 26524
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,52
Practical credits: 0,88
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 1,52
    Practical credits: 0,88
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught