Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2022-23

In this subject, the theoretical foundations that explain the determinants of life in terrestrial and aquatic environments, the adaptations of organisms to their characteristics, as well, as the functioning of ecosystems, will be established.

This subject addresses the study of the structure of ecosystems and how they vary in space and time. It studies the transfer of matter and energy in the ecosystem as well as at higher levels of organization. Finally, the effects of humans in the environment are analyzed, discussing possible strategies to seek the sustainable exploitation of ecosystems.
These theoretical concepts will be illustrated with case studies and current topics.
This knowledge constitutes the basis of professional disciplines, such as land conservation, restoration of ecosystems, forestry, management of natural areas, environmental impact assessment, etc.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2022-23

Specific Competences:>>Theoretical

  • CE10 : Comprendre les bases de la regulació de les funcions vitals dels organismes a través de factors interns i externs i identificar mecanismes d'adaptació al medi.
  • CE12 : Comprendre les bases de la biogeografia.
  • CE17 : Comprendre els principis de la termodinàmica i les seues aplicacions en bioenergètica.
  • CE23 : Analitzar els components del medi físic (hídric, atmosfèric i terrestre) i les seues relacions amb el medi biòtic.
  • CE27 : Relacionar els fluxos d'energia i els cicles biogeoquímics en el funcionament dels ecosistemes.
  • CE3 : Conèixer i aplicar els mètodes matemàtics i estadístics per a validar models a partir de dades experimentals aplicades a la biologia.


Specific Competences:>>Ability

  • CE31 : Reconèixer i implementar bones pràctiques científiques de mesura i experimentació.
  • CE34 : Planificar, dissenyar i executar investigacions pràctiques, i valorar-ne els resultats.
  • CE35 : Interpretar les dades procedents d'observacions i mesuraments en el laboratori i camp.
  • CE36 : Elaborar, presentar i defensar informes científics i tècnics tant de manera escrita com oral davant d'una audiència.
  • CE37 : Saber cercar, analitzar, comprendre i redactar textos científics i tècnics.
  • CE38 : Utilitzar correctament els mètodes inductiu i deductiu en l'àmbit de la biologia.
  • CE47 : Caracteritzar, gestionar, conservar i restaurar poblacions, comunitats i ecosistemes.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2022-23

The following specific objectives of this subject are considered:

1.- Know the environmental factors that condition life on the planet, ecosystems and the distribution of organisms and biomes.
2.- Understand the flows of matter and energy related to the trophic dynamics at ecosystem level
3.- Apply the techniques of analysis and representation of data to the results obtained in field and laboratory practices
4.- Know the techniques of sampling, analysis and elaboration of reports from the data generated in the practices and bibliographical
5.- Apply the knowledge and techniques acquired for the characterization of ecosystems
6.- Recognize and analyze the environmental problems related to global ecology




Code: 26521
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,08
Practical credits: 1,32
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

  • Dept: ECOLOGY
    Area: ECOLOGY
    Theoretical credits: 1,08
    Practical credits: 1,32
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught