Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2022-23

The Multimedia Systems course is considered BASIC and has six credits.

It is taught in the second year of the Multimedia Engineering degree and is part of the Project-Based Learning work plan. It'll be extended throughout the rest of the courses of the degree.

The course aims to create a global framework in which the contents of the rest of the subjects will be structured. Therefore, it will have elementary contents that will be developed in-depth by the matters of the degree that will be taught later.

Students taking the course will have to carry out a series of projects starting from scratch, facing for the first time the specific problems that will be part of the professional possibilities of multimedia engineering.

The main objective of the course is, more than finishing the projects successfully, to learn how to plan them, understand their complexity, organize the necessary resources to undertake them, and detect the essential knowledge that the students DO NOT YET HAVE but that will be developed in other subjects, thus explainning their existence.

Therefore, students will not face the traditional learning sequence "know contents-practice-account" but rather "face a problem-find the solution-learn what is necessary for it-analyze the result" in a trial-and-error process that puts the student in a real world context.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2022-23

UA Basic Transversal Competences

  • CT1 : Competències en un idioma estranger.
  • CT2 : Competències informàtiques i informacionals.
  • CT3 : Competències en comunicació oral i escrita.


Specific Competences:>>Basic

  • B8 : Conèixer i comprendre el concepte multimèdia, les característiques del llenguatge multimèdia, les tecnologies implicades, l'organització i gestió de sistemes multimèdia i l'impacte sociocultural en la societat de la informació i el coneixement.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2022-23

Operational objective of the subject:

Learn how to approach a multimedia engineering problem globally, determining:

  • the final goals of the project
  • the work processes or sequences that will lead to its completion
  • the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully tackle the project by distinguishing:
    1. -the valuable knowledge and skills already possessed by the company.
    2. -the elements to be acquired and the extent to which they are to be acquired.
  • the adjustment to existing timeframes and
  • the generation of documentation to accompany the project




Code: 21010
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 0,90
Practical credits: 1,50
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 0,9
    Practical credits: 1,5
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught