Competencies and objectives
Course context for academic year 2022-23
Adecuación al perfil profesional y formativo.
El objetivo del título es formar a profesionales de la intervención social en metodologías de intervención del Trabajo Social, con una comprensión amplia de las estructuras y procesos sociales, el cambio social y del comportamiento humano, que les capaciten para:
- Intervenir en los contextos sociales e institucionales en los que viven los individuos, familias, grupos, organizaciones y comunidades, asistiendo, abordando conflictos, ejerciendo tareas de mediación, ayuda, educación, defensa, animación y transformando dichos contextos, incluyendo los político-sociales.
- Participar en la formulación y evaluación de políticas, servicios e iniciativas sociales.
- Contribuir a la ciudadanía activa mediante el "empowerment" y la garantía de los derechos humanos y sociales.
- Trabajar en la prevención de los problemas sociales.
- Todo ello con el fin último de contribuir junto con otros profesionales a:
- La integración social de personas, familias, grupos, organizaciones y comunidades.
- La constitución de una sociedad cohesionada.
- El desarrollo de la calidad de vida y el bienestar social.
La instrucción práctica es uno de los componentes más importantes de la formación de estudiantes de Trabajo Social. Es la integración de la teoría y su aplicación esencial en la práctica de la profesión de Trabajo Social. Las Prácticas Externas IV proveerán al o a la estudiante de una experiencia de aprendizaje supervisada durante un semestre de su cuarto año académico. Se espera que los/las estudiantes desarrollen habilidad para aplicar los conocimientos, destrezas y valores en un nivel de consolidación de la intervención con usuarios y familias, aplicando los conocimientos e instrumentos técnicos adquiridos hasta ese momento de su formación. Además la Asignatura dedicará parte de sus Sesiones de Laboratorio a la supervisión grupal a través de la ejecución de su propio Genograma Familiar personal.
Ubicación de la asignatura en el Plan de Estudios. Prerrequisitos.
Para cursar la asignatura “Prácticas externas IV” es necesario haber superado las Asignaturas “Prácticas externas III”.
Por su naturaleza y ubicación en el plan de estudios (4º curso), la asignatura guarda relación con todas las asignaturas precedentes del Grado pues éstas proporcionan al alumnado las habilidades y actitudes necesarias para poder experimentar técnicas y habilidades del Trabajo Social para el conocimiento y análisis de necesidades y problemas sociales objeto de su intervención. En especial, cabe mencionar la relación con las asignaturas de la materia A3 de la que forma parte: "Iniciación a las Habilidades Profesionales", "Habilidades Profesionales I" y "Habilidades Profesionales II", así como “Prácticas externas I”, “Prácticas externas II” y “Prácticas externas III”.
Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2022-23
General Competences (CG)
- CG1 : Capacity to work together with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities to evaluate their needs and circumstances.
- CG2 : Analyse problem situations, plan, develop, execute, review and evaluate the practice of Social Work with individuals, families, groups, organisations, communities and other professionals.
- CG3 : Support others so that they can express their needs, points of view and circumstances.
- CG4 : Act preventively to avoid situations that may be hazardous for the general public, for oneself and for one's work colleagues.
- CG5 : Administrate and be responsible for, with supervision and support, one's own practice within the organisation.
- CG6 : Demonstrate professional competence when carrying out Social Work.
- CG7 : Capacity to contribute to the development of fundamental rights, equal opportunities for men and women, the principles of equal opportunities and universal accessibility for the disabled, as well as the values associated with a peaceful culture with democratic values.
General Competences acquired at University of Alicante (CGUA)
- CGUA2 : Computer and information skills. Capacity to apply computer and information technologies in one's professional career.
- CGUA3 : Oral and written communication skills. Capacity to communicate ideas orally and in writing so that individuals, families, groups, communities and organisations can understand them.
Specific Competences (CE)
- CE1 : Establish professional relationships in order to identify the best method of intervention.
- CE10 : Analyse and systematise the information provided by one's daily work as a support for reviewing and improving the professional strategies that should respond to emerging social situations.
- CE11 : Use mediation as a strategy for intervening to ensure alternative conflict resolution.
- CE12 : Design, implement and evaluate social intervention projects.
- CE13 : Defend individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities and act in their name when the situation demands.
- CE14 : Prepare and take part in decision-making meetings to better defend the interests of individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities.
- CE15 : Identify risk situations and act to solve them through the identification and definition of their nature.
- CE16 : Identify, minimise and manage the risk to oneself and one's colleagues by planning, reviewing and monitoring actions to limit stress and risk.
- CE17 : Administer and be responsible for one's own work by allocating priorities, satisfying one's professional obligations and evaluating the effectiveness of one's own work programme.
- CE18 : Contribute to the administration of resources and services by collaborating with the procedures used to acquire them, supervising their effectiveness and ensuring their quality.
- CE19 : Manage, present and share social records and reports, keeping them complete, truthful, accessible and up to date to guarantee professional decision making and evaluation.
- CE2 : Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities to help them take informed decisions regarding their needs, circumstances, risks, priority options and resources.
- CE20 : Work effectively with systems, networks and multidisciplinary and multiorganisational teams in order to collaborate on establishing setting goals, targets and duration of the same, also contributing towards dealing with any possible disagreements in a constructive manner.
- CE21 : Participate in managing and directing Social Welfare Entities.
- CE22 : Research, analyse, evaluate and use current knowledge of best practices in Social Work to review and update knowledge of working frameworks.
- CE23 : Work according to the standards agreed for Social Work and ensure one's own professional development by using professional assertiveness to justify one's decisions, reflecting critically on the same and using supervision as a means of responding to professional development needs.
- CE24 : Manage complex ethical conflicts, dilemmas and problems, identifying the same, designing strategies to overcome them and reflecting on their results.
- CE25 : Contribute towards the promotion of best practices in Social Work by participating in the development and analysis of the policies implemented.
- CE3 : Evaluate possible needs and options to guide an intervention strategy.
- CE4 : Respond to crisis situations by evaluating the urgency of the situations, planning and developing actions to deal with the crisis and checking results.
- CE5 : Interact with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities to achieve changes, promote development and improve quality of life by using Social Work methods and models, regularly monitoring the changes that occur in order to prepare for the end of the intervention.
- CE6 : Prepare, produce, implement and evaluate intervention plans with individuals, families, groups, organisations, communities and fellow professionals, negotiating the supply of services that need to be used and checking the effectiveness of intervention plans with those involved in order to adapt them to changing needs and circumstances.
- CE7 : Support the development of networks to cope with needs and work to favour the planned results, examining the support networks that individuals can access and develop with those involved.
- CE8 : Promote the growth, development and independence of individuals by identifying opportunities to create groups, using programming and group dynamics for individual growth and the strengthening of interpersonal relationship skills.
- CE9 : Work with behaviours that represent a risk for the individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities, identifying the situations and circumstances that configure said behaviours and develop strategies to modify the same.
Learning outcomes (Training objectives)
No data
Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2022-23
No data
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS:
Theoretical credits:
Practical credits:
Distance-base hours:
Departments involved
Theoretical credits: 0
Practical credits: 0,6
This Dept. is responsible for the course.
This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
Study programmes where this course is taught
Course type: COMPULSORY (Year: 4)