Competencies and objectives
Course context for academic year 2022-23
The purpose of the degree is to train its students in the following professional profiles: teaching physical education, sports training, physical activity and health, and sports management and recreation, therefore, this subject is directly linked to the acquisition of the necessary skills to get adequate training in each of the professional profiles.
Along with this, the sea has represented for the human being a context of undoubted meaning for its historical development. Therefore, the development of a pioneering and innovative agenda that can advance in the conquest and care of this fantastic ecological ecosystem is justified. The physical activity developed in the sea has been one of the most productive actions for man.
Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2022-23
General Competences (CG)
- CG1.1 : Capacity to identify, list, analyse, synthesise and apply the conceptual content determined by the subjects studied for the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport degree.
- CG1.2 : Capacity to manage information and knowledge in new and complex situations, solve problems and take decisions to develop instrumental content and procedures for the subjects in the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport degree course.
- CG2.1 : Oral and written communication skills in the development of conceptual and procedural content with special attention to the mastery of argumentation and critical reasoning in the subjects of the degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences.
- CG2.2 : Use and integration of computing as applied to the subjects studied in the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport degree course.
- CG3.1 : Capacity to design, apply and evaluate high-quality processes, programs and projects in the fields of teaching, training and the promotion of health and recreational sport
- CG3.2 : Awareness and recognition of diversity and multiculturalism in the fields of teaching and learning, training and the promotion of health and recreation.
- CG4.1 : Ability for interpersonal, and effective relationships and emotional control during teamwork and the development of leadership when carrying out learning activities and tasks in the subjects on the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport degree course.
- CG4.2 : Development of responsibility and the capacity for initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and originality in instrumental learning in the subjects of the degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences.
- CG5.1 : Commitment to the values of equity with respect to gender issues, diversity and democracy in the practice of physical activity and sport.
- CG5.2 : Commitment to ethical values in the development of sporting competition.
Specific Competences (CE)
- CE14 : Master the basic techniques of different sports so as to be able to execute them efficiently.
- CE15 : Capacity to design, apply and evaluate high-quality processes, programmes and projects to control the training programmes of individual and team sports, sports using implements, marine sports, gymnastic skills and Valencian pelota, knowing how to select and use the appropriate sports material and equipment for each kind of activity.
- CE16 : Competence to analyse technical gestures, detecting basic errors relating to specific skills in sports training and discovering their possible causes.
- CE7 : Capacity to manage and apply knowledge of the foundations of sport.
Learning outcomes (Training objectives)
No data
Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2022-23
- Understand and apply basic safety knowledge and emergency protocols at sea.
- Know the historical and social evolution of the different physical and sports activities in the aquatic environment.
- Dominate the fundamentals, basic terminology and characteristics of the different disciplines.
- Adopt the main measures of conservation and maintenance of the material.
- Demonstrate basic skills and elementary technical knowledge of physical and sports activities in the sea.
- Execute fluently basic navigation maneuvers according to the different disciplines.
- Design programs of initiation to sea sports, selecting and sequencing correctly the contents to be developed.
- Develop observation, analysis and research skills through scientific-technical criteria.
Lecturer responsible:
Penichet Tomás, Alfonso
Credits ECTS:
Theoretical credits:
Practical credits:
Distance-base hours:
Departments involved
Theoretical credits: 0,6
Practical credits: 1,8
This Dept. is responsible for the course.
This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
Study programmes where this course is taught
Course type: COMPULSORY (Year: 1)