Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2021-22

La asignatura de Lengua francesa II está estrechamente vinculada con la asignatura Lengua francesa I de la que es continuación, para formar un bloque cuyo objetivo es el de alcanzar el nivel B1.2 del MECR. En ella se seguirán trabajando las 5 destrezas lingüísticas, permitiendo así que el alumnado pueda desenvolverse con medios lingüísticos suficientes para mantener una conversación sobre temas de la vida cotidiana y para comprender lo esencial de textos orales y escritos, principalmente de nivel de lengua estándar. Al tratarse del aprendizaje de un segundo idioma extranjero, se recurrirá a las estrategias que el alumno utiliza en las demás lenguas que conoce, para que su aprendizaje sea más rentable y rápido.
Siendo importante el dominio de varios idiomas extranjeros en la sociedad actual, esta asignatura colma esta necesidad y enriquece al/a la aprendiza en su formación cultural, ya que el estudio de la lengua francesa integra también la competencia sociocultural de la misma y hace viable la comunicación en los medios profesionales y académicos en los que el alumno/a se desenvolverá en el futuro.
Esta asignatura se relaciona directamente con las asignaturas optativas del itinerario de Estudios Franceses.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2021-22



General Competences (CG)

  • CG1 : Skills in a foreign language.
  • CG10 : Recognition of cultural diversity and equal opportunities.
  • CG2 : Computer and information technology skills.
  • CG4 : Critical reasoning.
  • CG5 : Capacity to analyse and synthesise.
  • CG6 : Capacity for teamwork.
  • CG7 : Capacity for organisation and planning.
  • CG8 : Creativity and capacity for initiative.
  • CG9 : Problem-solving and decision-making.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • CE1 : Understand human behaviour in society using specific methods and techniques of analysis and, in this way, develop the ethical commitment to gender equality and a special capacity for interpersonal relationships.
  • CE3 : Master one or more foreign languages to facilitate access to the production and interpretation of cultures in their diverse expressions, especially contemporary culture, cultural diversity and its management.
  • CE5 : Assess and interpret the cultural diversity of the Region of Valencia, contrasting the indigenous cultures of the region with other cultures with which relations and contacts are established, using the official languages as the vehicles for interaction.
  • CE7 : Make creative entrepreneurial use of the basic principles of the public and private organisation and management of ICTs to evaluate, create and carry out cultural dissemination projects.
  • CE8 : Acquire skills to prepare and display content related to the human and social sciences for dissemination and for educating secondary school children, using personal skills and ICT.




General Competences (CG)

  • CG2 : Capacity to understand the role of language in the construction of human beings as active members of a linguistic and cultural community and relate this to the function of individuals in society.
  • CG3 : Capacity to develop reading, analysis and synthesis techniques.
  • CG7 : Social commitment to the equality of men and women, the plurality and diversity of the realities of modern society, to peace and democracy.


General Competences acquired at University of Alicante (CGUA)

  • CGUA1 : Capacity to communicate in a second language in communicative situations (oral and written), with students acquiring a level equivalent to B1 of the common European framework of reference.
  • CGUA2 : Be able to use basic ICT tools at user level.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • CE1 : Capacity to communicate in the Catalan language in communicative situations (oral and written), allowing fluid communication in the professional and academic areas in which the student will be working in the future, taking into account his/her knowledge of the historical, social, cultural and artistic reality of his/her context.
  • CE10 : Capacity to use the pertinent resources and materials for self-learning (bibliographies, dictionaries, reference works, terminological works, tutorials, new technologies) and transmit the information in the Catalan language.
  • CE11 : Be able to develop reading, analysis and synthesis techniques, formulate working hypotheses, demonstrate them with arguments and reach conclusions, as well as recognise and ensure the textual coherence (structure of the text, organisation of ideas, progression of information, use of keywords), to explain and argue any subject related to Catalan language and literature, thus achieving the role of expert, transmitter and adviser regarding the knowledge acquired.
  • CE12 : Capacity to understand, value and take advantage of multilingualism with an attitude favouring the standardisation of Catalan, to participate in cultural and linguistic diversity, as well as promoting it to ensure the better social development of the language.




Generic Degree Course Competences

  • CG2 : Capacity to understand the role of language in the construction of human beings as active members of linguistic and cultural communities and relate it to the function of individuals in society.
  • CG3 : Be able to develop reading, analysis and synthesis techniques.


Generic UA Competences

  • CUA1 : Understand and express oneself in one's discipline in a language other than the two official languages of the Region of Valencia.
  • CUA2 : Be able to use basic ICT tools at user level.


Specific Competences (CE):>>Conceptual

  • CC16 : Acquire level B1 of the CEFR in a second language.
  • CC5 : Capacity to communicate in the language of the speciality (Spanish) and in a second language in oral and written situations to enable fluid communication in the future professional and/or academic contexts the student will be involved with in the future.


Specific Competences (CE):>>Procedural

  • CP20 : Capacity to use the pertinent materials and resources: bibliographic repertories, dictionaries, works of reference, critical editions, translations and ICTs as an independent learner able to control one's own learning process and make the corresponding independent progress.


Specific Competences (CE):>>Attitude

  • CA22 : Be able to value and take advantage of multilingualism and multiculturalism as a social agent participating in the construction of a plural and tolerant society on the basis of the multicultural configuration of the Spanish-speaking world.
  • CA23 : Be able to show a critical and self-critical attitude during the learning process.
  • CA24 : Capacity to demonstrate social commitment to the equality of men and women, the plural and diverse nature of modern society, peace and democracy.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2021-22

No data




Code: 30621
Lecturer responsible:
Badiola Dorronsoro, Maria
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 0,60
Practical credits: 1,80
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 0,6
    Practical credits: 1,8
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught