Competencies and objectives

Provisional information. Pending review by the responsible person.


Course context for academic year 2021-22

This course focuses on the dietary treatment of diseases with nutritional implications. Basics of Pharmacology and drug
treatment of the pathologies seen in the part of diet therapy are studied, with special attention to the drug-nutrient-food
interactions. It focuses in the study of the nutritional needs in each of the stages of life in pathological situations. First,
we study the conditions that occur in each of the pathologies and the feeding based on the needs, thus the student
gets abilities and capabilities that allow him/her to be able to develop different dietary alternatives. The course is
divided into two blocks: (I) Diet therapy (pathologies and dietary treatments) and (II) Pharmacology. After each
theoretical part, follows its corresponding practices. In the context of the curriculum, this course is the base for the
clinical profile of the graduate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2021-22

Specific Competences (CE)

  • E48 : Differentiate between Real Quality and Perceived Quality.
  • E49 : Identify and discriminate the different eating behaviour disorders at clinical-diagnostic level.
  • E50 : Identify the variables related to eating behaviour disorders from an integrating bio-psycho-social viewpoint.
  • E51 : Acquire the psychological knowledge needed to act precisely and reliably in the multidisciplinary prevention, detection, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders.


Specific transversal competences of the degree course :>>Foreign language proficiency

  • CT1 : Read and understand texts in a foreign language.


Specific transversal competences of the degree course :>>IT and information competences

  • CT2 : Show computer and information system skills and abilities.


Specific transversal competences of the degree course:>>Oral and written communication competences

  • CT3 : Show oral and written communication skills.


General Competences of the Degree Course (CG):>>Nutrition, dietetics and health module

  • 26 : Apply Food and Nutritional Sciences to dietary practice.
  • 27 : Understand nutrients, their functions and metabolic use.
  • 28 : Understand the basics of nutritional balance and its control.
  • 29 : Evaluate and calculate nutritional requirements in situations of sickness and health at any stage of the life cycle.
  • 30 : Identify the foundations of healthy eating (sufficient, balanced, varied and tailored).
  • 31 : Take part in designing total diet studies.
  • 32 : Understand, detect early and evaluate quantitative and qualitative deviations of nutritional balance due to excess or deficiency.
  • 33 : Plan, implement and interpret the evaluation of the nutritional status of individuals and/or groups, both healthy (in all physiological situations) and ill.
  • 34 : Understand the physiopathological illnesses related to nutrition.
  • 35 : Identify the dietary-nutritional problems of patients, as well as risk factors and inappropriate practices.
  • 36 : Prepare and interpret the dietary history of healthy and ill individuals.
  • 37 : Interpret a medical history.
  • 38 : Understand and use the terminology used in the health sciences field.
  • 39 : Interpret and integrate clinical, biochemical and pharmacological data in the nutritional assessment of the patient and his/her dietary-nutritional treatment.
  • 40 : Apply the foundations of clinical nutrition to diet therapy.
  • 41 : Plan, implant and evaluate therapeutic diets for individuals and/or groups.
  • 42 : Understand hospital organisation and various stages of the food service.
  • 43 : Participate in the multidisciplinary team of a Hospital Nutrition Unit.
  • 44 : Understand the different techniques and products used for basic and advanced nutritional support.
  • 45 : Develop and implement dietetic-nutritional transition plans.
  • 46 : Plan and implement dietetic-nutritional education programmes with sick and healthy subjects.
  • 47 : Understand clinical pharmacology and the interaction between medicines and nutrients.
  • 48 : Master the basic ITC tools used in the field of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics.
  • 49 : Understand the legal and ethical limits of dietetic practice.
  • 50 : Prescribe specific treatment corresponding to the area of competence of the dietetist-nutritionist.
  • 51 : Be able to demonstrate the scientific principles underpinning the intervention of the dietetist-/nutritionist, with their professional activity conditional on the scientific evidence.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2021-22

Knowing the source of nutrition therapy in pathologies.
Describe the different therapeutic diets in their different classifications.
Identify the factors to consider in conducting a therapeutic diet.
Identify and describe the criteria for the organization of hospital diets.
Knowing the existing standard diets in the medical centre and assess their advantages and disadvantages.
Analyze the nutritional problem objectively and act rationally to fix it.
Working with basic information document health system and related documents.
Describe the anatomy of the device under study.
List the risk factors for pathologies of high prevalence and related to nutritional risk.
Develop diets adapted to the pathophysiological conditions within the specialized and primary care.
Know the indications and contraindications for artificial nutrition.
Know the routes of administration of artificial nutrition.
Knowing the types of enteral nutrition adapted to the pathophysiological characteristics.
Develop dietary plans based on enteral feeding.
Develop eating plans for exploratory tests requiring dietary preparation.
Understand the basic mechanisms of action of drugs.
Distinguishing between actions and effects and recognize unwanted drug effects.
Identify and predict the interactions between drugs and nutrients.
Understanding how drugs can affect nutritional status and how this may alter the effect of drugs.
Know how to interpret the pharmacological data on the nutritional assessment of the patient and nutritional dietary
Understand the basic mechanisms of action of drugs.
Distinguishing between actions and effects and recognize unwanted drug effects.
Identify and predict the interactions between drugs and nutrients.
Understanding how drugs can affect nutritional status and how this may alter the effect of drugs.
Know how to interpret the pharmacological data on the nutritional assessment of the patient and nutritional dietary




Code: 27520
Lecturer responsible:
Sospedra López, Maria Isabel
Credits ECTS: 9,00
Theoretical credits: 2,00
Practical credits: 1,60
Distance-base hours: 5,40

Departments involved

  • Dept: NURSING
    Area: NURSING
    Theoretical credits: 1,1
    Practical credits: 0,9
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
    Theoretical credits: 0,9
    Practical credits: 0,7

Study programmes where this course is taught