Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2021-22

Subject ContextStudy and Analysis of the human eye as an optical instrument, applying the rules of Geometric Optics. The course will serve as a base for other materials dealing with the study of the optical combination of an optical instrument and the eye. It also complements the optometric assessment of healthy and abnormal eyes.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2021-22

Specific competences (CE):>>Module 1: basic competences

  • CES13 : Conèixer el procés de formació d'imatges i propietats dels sistemes òptics.
  • CES14 : Reconèixer l'ull com a sistema òptic.
  • CES15 : Conèixer els models bàsics de visió.
  • CES21 : Conèixer i saber usar material i tècniques bàsiques de laboratori.


Specific competences (CE):>>Module 2: optics competences

  • CES33 : Conèixer els paràmetres i els models oculars.
  • CES34 : Comprendre els factors que limiten la qualitat de la imatge retinal.
  • CES37 : Conèixer el sistema sanitari espanyol i els aspectes bàsics relacionats amb la gestió dels serveis de salut, fonamentalment els que estiguen relacionats amb l'atenció i rehabilitació de la salut.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2021-22

Cognitive Objectives (CO):

CO 1 - Understand optical paraxial causes and basic physiological and its impact on the generation of sharp or blurry images in the human retina.

CO 2 - Master the geometric-optical basics in the formation of images crisp or fuzzy in the human retina.

CO 3 - Know and compare different theoretical approaches for the paraxial optical-geometric modeling of human eye and images formation.

CO 4 - Understand the optical mechanism of accommodation of the eye that occurs in human vision and its impact on getting clear vision at different distances depending on the age.

CO 5 - Master the optical-geometrical basics of the combination eye-lens in a paraxial level that compensates blurred vision problems in any range of distances and existing major types (presbyopia, astigmatism and spherical ametropia).

Subject Objectives / competencesGeneral Objectives (GO):

GO 1 - Acquire an overview of Visual Optics matter, and its relationship with society and technology.

GO 2 - Understand the fundamentals paraxial optical imaging of the human retina and their consequences on final visual perception, and the variability in normal and abnormal cases comprising most monocular vision problems, and its paraxial optical compensation of the human population.

GO 3 - Encourage the student to apply the knowledge gained in this course for solving real practical problems and issues related to near vision, intermediate and distance of the human population majority.

GO 4 - Achieve the students acquire visual optics basic terminology, for speak with the precision required in the scope of this discipline, formulate ideas, concepts and relations between them, and being able to think in scientific terms.

GO 5- Stimulate in the student, individually, cooperative teamwork, the use of new technologies to support teaching in order to become aware that you can enjoy the learning and achieve outstanding academic performance.

Procedural Objectives (PO):

PO1 - Calculate optical-geometrical-paraxial parameters of different parts of the ocular globe.

PO2 - Reasoning through calculations: the optical bench in optical elements and graphics, vision status (clear or blurred) of an individual from optical-geometrical basic data and the type of visual task to perform.

PO3 - Reasoning by calculations:  the optical bench in optical elements and graphics; compensator lens at paraxial level in vision problems an individual from their basic geometric-optical data and the type of visual task to perform.

PO4 - Write basic reports for the presentation of numerical and graphical data of exercises and practice labs.

PO5 - Knowing how to find, to filter and compare information essential documentary based on the learning objectives concerning the teaching materials and literature available on the subject.




Code: 24021
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,08
Practical credits: 1,32
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Area: OPTICS
    Theoretical credits: 1,48
    Practical credits: 0,92
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught