Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2021-22

The Advertising and Public Relations student must generate effective ideas to communicate. In particular, he must master the conceptualization (iconic and verbal expression) and the visualization (composition). The focus of the course will be on training the student in the expression and implementation of the creative communication strategy by designing a communicative action adapted to the target audience, achievable in the existing media environment, adjusted to a budget and to a timeline and evaluable. Know the process of generating effective ideas to communicate. In addition, he must be able to execute and / or supervise the entire process of production and realization of creative ideas.

In the Report of the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations of the UA (pages 17-19) a series of objectives are listed, reflected in turn in the White Paper of the Degree in Communication (Part V, pp. 328-330). Of all the related, the subject "Creative strategy and conceptualization" responds mainly to the following: "The Title of Publicity and Public Relations must provide an exhaustive knowledge of all the elements that make up and interrelate in the communication system, especially advertising and public relations, for its application to the reality of organizations and for the development of a strategic attitude. This training will enable him to make decisions and implement coherent communication strategies, through effective creativity, subsequently measuring their results and drawing the appropriate conclusions". 



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2021-22

UA Basic Transversal Competences

  • CGUA2 : Ser capaç d'utilitzar com a usuari eines bàsiques en TIC.
  • CGUA3 : Ser capaç d'expressar-se correctament en una de les dues llengües oficials de la Comunitat Valenciana (llengua catalana o llengua castellana) en l'àmbit de la seua disciplina.


General Competences:>>Interpersonal

  • CG10 : Habilitat per a treballar en un equip interdisciplinari.
  • CG14 : Habilitats crítiques i autocrítiques.


General Competences:>>Systematic

  • CG17 : Capacitat de crear noves idees (creativitat).


Specific Competences:>>Knowledge (theoretical)

  • CES19 : Coneixement del disseny i desenvolupament de les estratègies de comunicació persuasiva.
  • CES24 : Estudi de les estratègies i processos encaminats a la creació, producció i realització de missatges publicitaris en els diferents suports i mitjans de comunicació.
  • CES25 : Coneixement del sistema de treball dels departaments creatius: redacció, adreça d'art i producció.


Specific Competences:>>Professional (practical)

  • CE32 : Capacitat per a la creativitat i la innovació: capacitat per a evolucionar cap al desconegut, partint d'un coneixement sòlid del projecte i l'estratègia que cal seguir.
  • CE35 : Capacitat i habilitat per a donar forma creativa al missatge.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2021-22

Know and use appropriately the resources that make possible the new information and information technologies.
Use correctly the orthographic and grammatical norms in the oral and written language.
Acquire and implement collaboration strategies and skills that favor cooperative work recognizing the contributions of other areas of knowledge as an enriching factor of professional practice.
To make judgments and to position oneself critically before the different vital and professional situations, without omitting the critical consideration about the actions and opinions of oneself.
Plan and develop innovative actions both in their field of knowledge and in everyday life.
Distinguish between different types of creative strategies and their functions.
Understand the basic operations that exist in any strategic process.
Know the phases of the advertising strategy.
Know the characteristics of the media from the creative point of view.
Know the language of each medium.
Adapt advertising concepts or ideas to different media and supports.
Know the coordinated management within the creative department and with the other departments of the agency.
Enhance the quality of the work by coordinating decisions on the content and form of the messages.
Make communication flow between departments directly related to creativity.
Know the competitive context in which communication occurs and which is specified in the strategy.
Dare to travel unknown creative paths.
Generate innovative ideas that respond to the objectives.
Choose the most effective ideas.
Know the processes that transform a cognitive idea into an idea of ¿¿communication.
Know the various resources and creative genres.
Elaborate novel and appropriate messages to the communication objectives.




Code: 22520
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 0,90
Practical credits: 1,50
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 0,9
    Practical credits: 1,5
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught