Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2020-21

This subject belongs to the minor in Construction Technology. It is taught in the sixth semester (3rd year) of the Civil Engineering undergraduate degree.

The course is divided into the following activities: lectures, recitations (design cases), laboratory and computer practice. These classroom activities are focused on providing the future graduate scientific and technical training in the field of conception, design, construction and operation of highways, traffic networks and its related infrastructure.

Likewise, the training received by the student will prepare for the development and deepening of content on different disciplines belonging to Highway Engineering, approached by various specific subjects in further courses.


Although no specific academic prerequisite is required to take this course, it is strongly recommended for the student to have basic skills in Geometry, Mechanics (Kinematics and Dynamics), Graphic Expression, Surveying and Construction Materials Technology, acquired in several compulsory subjects in previous courses.


This subject does not share a 75% or higher content with the equivalent courses in the other two minors offered in this degree (33530 and 33531).



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2020-21

UA Basic Transversal Competences

  • CT : Capacitat d'assimilar i adaptar-se a l'evolució contínua de la tecnologia en l'àmbit de desenvolupament professional.
  • CT : Capacitat de planificar tasques i comprometre's en el compliment d'objectius i terminis.
  • CT : Capacitat d'adoptar el mètode científic en el plantejament i realització de treballs diversos tant a nivell acadèmic com a professional.
  • CT : Capacitat de treball en grup.
  • CT : Capacitat d'exposició oral i escrita.
  • CT : Capacitat d'enfrontar, projectar i resoldre problemes reals demandats per la societat en l'àmbit de l'enginyeria.


Specific Competences (Specific Technology):>>Civil Construction

  • CEC : Capacitat per a la construcció i conservació de carreteres, així com per al dimensionament, el projecte i la construcció dels elements que componen les dotacions viàries. Capacitat per a projectar, construir i conservar infraestructures de transport viari.


Specific Competences (Specific Technology):>>Hydrology

  • CEH : Coneixement dels projectes de serveis urbans relacionats amb la distribució d'aigua i el sanejament.


Specific Competences (Specific Technology):>>Transit and Urban Services

  • CET : Capacitat per a la construcció i conservació de carreteres, així com per al dimensionament, el projecte i la construcció dels elements que componen les dotacions viàries. Capacitat per a projectar, construir i conservar infraestructures de transport viari.


Basic Transversal Competences

  • CB : Que els estudiants hagen desenvolupat les habilitats d'aprenentatge necessàries per a emprendre estudis posteriors amb un alt grau d'autonomia.
  • CB : Que els estudiants tinguen la capacitat de reunir i interpretar dades rellevants (normalment dins de la seua àrea d'estudi) per a emetre judicis que incloguen una reflexió sobre temes rellevants d'índole social, científica o ètica.
  • CB : Que els estudiants sàpien aplicar els seus coneixements al seu treball o vocació d'una manera professional i tinguen les competències que se solen demostrar a través de l'elaboració i defensa d'arguments i la resolució de problemes dins de la seua àrea d'estudi.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2020-21

  • Acquisition and mastering of specific vocabulary and regulations used in this technical field.
  • Knowledge, understanding and application of the various concepts and terminology used in Highway Engineering.
  • Knowledge of the basic characteristics of the supply and demand of road transport and the main actors involved in such activity.
  • Ability and skills to analyse, quantify and correct the situation of vehicular traffic and pedestrians that use rural and urban roads, as part of the usual techniques of Traffic Engineering.
  • Ability and skills to project urban and interurban roads and their auxiliaries, including its layout, pavement design, systems of longitudinal and transverse drainage, signals and markings.
  • Knowledge of the highway construction process and its state of the art.
  • Knowledge of the fundamental characteristics of air transport and aircraft for use in the design of airport infrastructure.
  • Acquisition of critical capacity, scalability and deepening of the developed concepts, and analysis skills applied to this Civil Engineering discipline.




Code: 33529
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,20
Practical credits: 1,20
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 1,2
    Practical credits: 1,2
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught