Competències i objectius


Context de l'assignatura per al curs 2020-21

In this course, essentially practical, it is intended that students know some of the latest advances in the field of contact lenses through the study of original research articles. We also intend that students acquire the ability to study and plan their activities towards the learning of the English language, both individually and in groups, by searching, selecting, interpreting and synthesising information from various literature sources.

The relevance of the subject within the curriculum is justified by its contribution to the development of the specific skills CE16, CE21, CE26, CE27, CE66, CE67, CE68, CE69, CE70, CE71, CE72, and CE73, which are related to the knowledge of the structure and properties of materials used for the manufacture, application and maintenance of contact lenses.

The following objectives are pursued:
1) The application of the previously acquired knowledge by the student, especially in the subjects of Optical Materials and Contactology, to the analysis of recent research results in contact lenses.
2) To foster the development of a wide range of transversal skills, such as the analysis and synthesis capability, organization and planning, oral and written communication in a foreign language (English), computer skills, information management, team work, working in an international context, or critical thinking, among others.
3) To acquire experimental skills by developing in the laboratory some of the recently published experimental procedures.

The course New Trends in Contact Lenses is based on the subjects Chemistry (first year) and Optical Materials (second year), and it is closely related to the subjects Contactology I and II (third year), Clinics Optometry and Contactology (fourth year).

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Competències de l'assignatura (verificades per ANECA en graus i màsters oficials) per al curs 2020-21

Competències específiques (CE):>>mòdul 1: competències bàsiques

  • CES16 : Conèixer l'estructura de la matèria, els processos químics de dissolució i l'estructura, propietats i reactivitat dels compostos orgànics.
  • CES21 : Conèixer i saber usar material i tècniques bàsiques de laboratori.


Competències específiques (CE):>>mòdul 2: competències d'Òptica

  • CES26 : Conèixer les propietats físiques i químiques dels materials utilitzats en l'òptica i l'optometria.
  • CES27 : Conèixer els processos de selecció, fabricació i disseny de les lents.


Competències específiques (CE):>>mòdul 4: competències d'Optometria

  • CES63 : Conèixer les tècniques actuals de cirurgia ocular i tenir capacitat per a fer les proves oculars incloses en l'examen preoperatori i postoperatori.
  • CES64 : Conèixer, aplicar i interpretar les proves instrumentals relacionades amb els problemes de salut visual.




Resultats d'aprenentatge (Objectius formatius)

  • Conèixer l'estructura de la matèria, els processos químics de dissolució i l'estructura, les propietats i la reactivitat dels compostos orgànics.
  • Conèixer i utilitzar les tècniques i els materials bàsics de laboratori.
  • Conèixer les propietats físiques i químiques dels materials utilitzats en l'òptica i l'optometria.
  • Conèixer els processos de selecció, fabricació i disseny de les lents.
  • Conèixer les propietats dels tipus de lents de contacte i les pròtesis oculars.
  • Conèixer la geometria i les propietats fisicoquímiques de les lents de contacte i associar-les a les particularitats oculars i refractives.



Objectius específics indicats pel professorat per al curs 2020-21

A. Cognitive objectives
1. To classify polymeric materials (EC 16).
2. To distinguish the different types of polymerization reactions (EC 16).
3. To relate the structure of the polymers with their physico-chemical and optical properties (EC 16, EC 26).
4. To distinguish the different types of polymers of application in optics (EC 16, EC 26).
5. To classify contact lenses according to their properties and applications (EC 66, EC 67).
6. To distinguish between the different manufacturing processes of contact lenses (CE 27).
7. To interpret the physico-chemical and optical properties of contact lenses according to their composition (EC 26, EC 67).
8. To distinguish between polymers for the manufacture of hard and soft contact lenses (CE 16, CE 26, CE 66, CE 67).
9. To select the suitable material for a contact lens according to the properties required for a certain application (EC 16, EC 26, EC 66, EC 67).
10. To interpret, identify and classify the factors that contribute to the deterioration of contact lenses (EC 69).
11. To select the proper cleaning, disinfection, preservation and maintenance system for a particular contact lens (CE 69).
12. To interpret clinical cases associated with contact lens fitting and ocular prostheses (CE68, CE70, CE71, CE72, CE73).

B. Instrumental objectives
1. To apply the theoretical knowledge on optical materials to practical cases (CG 2, CMECES 2).
2. To solve qualitative and quantitative problems as previously developed models (CG 3, CMECES 2).
3. To recognise and analyse new problems and propose strategies to solve them (CG 1, CG 3, CMECES 2)
4. To manage information and data on optical materials and know how to evaluate, interpret and synthesize them (CG 1, CMECES 3, CGUA2).
5. To express in oral and written English the concepts and knowledge of the subject (CG 1, CMECES 4, CGUA1, CGUA3).
6. Management of ICT tools (CGUA2).
7. To discuss the most critical aspects of the subject (CG 10, CMECES 3).
8. Safely handling of chemicals and laboratory equipment (CE 21).
9. To experiment with materials to be used in a future career (EC 21).

C. Attitudinal objectives
1. To show willingness to learn new things and study further (CG 1, CG 2, CG 12, CG 18).
2. To acquire an ethical commitment to the work and himself (CG 11).
3. To reflect on and evaluate their own work (CG 1 CG 10).
4. To cooperate in team work acquiring and developing social skills and emotional intelligence (CG 5 CG 8).
5. To integrate, tolerate and respect other people or members of a group (CG 8 CG 11).
6. To develop the skills necessary for responsible participation: attendance, coordination ability, contributions to a group (CG 2, CG 5).
7. To establish open communication, trust and commitment to the members of a group (CG 5 CG 8 CG 11).




Dades generals

Codi: 24044
Professor/a responsable:
Crèdits ECTS: 6,00
Crèdits teòrics: 0,24
Crèdits pràctics: 2,16
Càrrega no presencial: 3,60

Departaments amb docència

    Crèdits teòrics: 0,24
    Crèdits pràctics: 2,16
    Aquest departament és responsable de l'assignatura.
    Aquest dep. és responsable de l'acta.

Estudis en què s'imparteix