Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2019-20

What's wrong with me, doctor? Most of us feel curiosity about knowing what happens to us when we fall ill. We only value health when we do not have it and, from that moment onwards, we take much more interest in knowing, preventing or treating diseases. Sometimes people confuse changes due to pathological causes with those that take place naturally in the human body as years go by. Some of these doubts, based on real life problems are posed and solved through the group work tutorised by the teacher, who encourages discussion and favours a more integrated, organised and motivating type of learning. OBJECTIVE: 1) Understanding the natural evolution experienced by the human body throughout life. 2) Assimilating the changes in the human body during the process of getting ill as a result of alterations in its organic systems. 3) Acquiring basic notions about the different possibilities in the diagnosis and treatment of certain pathologies. 4) Learning to distinguish between changes that are indicative of a possible pathology and those due to age.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees)

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Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

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Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2019-20

1) Comprender la evolución natural que experimenta el organismo humano a lo largo de la vida.
2) Entender los cambios del cuerpo humano durante el proceso de enfermar por alteraciones en sus sistemas orgánicos.
3) Adquirir nociones básicas sobre las distintas posibilidades de diagnóstico y tratamiento de ciertas patologías.
4) Aprender a diferenciar entre los cambios que hagan sospechar una posible patología y los debidos a la edad.




Code: 90555
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS:
Theoretical credits: 4,00
Practical credits: 0,00
Distance-base hours:

Departments involved

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Study programmes where this course is taught