Competencies and objectives
Course context for academic year 2019-20
El graduado en Economía debe conocer los conceptos básicos y la metodología para abordar el análisis de problemas económicos fundamentales, así como conocer y comprender el funcionamiento y las consecuencias de los sistemas económicos. En concreto, debe aplicar el marco conceptual a situaciones particulares y estar en condiciones de contribuir a su buen funcionamiento y mejora.
El objetivo básico de la asignatura Economía Española es proporcionar la formación necesaria a fin de que el alumno sea capaz de comprender los aspectos fundamentales que determinan el funcionamiento de la economía española así como las consecuencias a ello asociadas.
La asignatura Economía Española consta de 6 créditos ECTS siendo una asignatura Obligatoria del 3er curso.
Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2019-20
General Competences (CG)
- CG1 : Capacity to find and analyse information.
- CG2 : Capacity to work in a team.
- CG3 : Capacity for self-learning.
- CG6 : Obtain important information that is impossible for non-professionals to recognise from the data.
General Competences acquired at University of Alicante (CGUA)
- CGUA2 : Use computer, I.T. and communications technology tools as a matter of course in all of one's professional activities.
- CGUA3 : Capacity for oral and written communication.
Specific Competences (CE)
- CE3 : Bring a rational approach to the analysis and description of any aspect of economic reality.
- CE5 : Issue expert reports on specific economic situations (international, national or regional) or on sectors of the same.
- CE8 : Identify the sources of relevant economic information and their content.
Learning outcomes (Training objectives)
This course aims to give students a thorough knowledge of the main features of the Spanish economy and its evolution in recent decades.
We will concentrate specifically on the following a: economic growth (features of growth, determining factors and imbalances); sector aspects (evolution of the productive structure); institutional aspects (the labour market and the public sector); foreign relations and income distribution.
The specific aims of the course are the following:
- To acquire the skills necessary to seek out relevant information regarding Spanish economic reality at all levels, and acquiring the capacity to analyse it.
- To learn to work in a cooperative manner, evaluating group performance, and diagnosing and solving possible conflicts.
- To be aware not only of individual learning but also that of group colleagues, to ensure the success of group work.
- To take individual responsibility for the learning process.
- To acquire the capacity for independent learning at all levels of the Spanish economy.
- To understand the necessary economic indicators in order to interpret Spanish economic reality at all levels.
- To acquire the skills to create and interpret indicators and graphs regarding the Spanish economy.
- To identify the main Internet websites containing Spanish economic information.
- To acquire Internet skills to search for relevant information on the Spanish economy.
- To acquire the capacity to express oneself in an ordered, coherent and intelligible manner, to defend arguments in public and to take an active part in debates.
- To understand the main features, determining factors, accompanying structural transformations and limiting imbalances of Spanish economic growth.
- To understand the development of the productive sectors in the Spanish economy, in terms of production, employment, foreign trade, productive and commercial specialisation, efficiency and competitivity.
- To understand the regional, functional and personal distribution of income in Spain, and its evolution over recent decades.
- To understand the theoretical grounds for State intervention in the economy and the tools used; understanding the organisation of the Spanish public sector and Spanish public intervention in recent years, through expenditures and revenues.
- To understand the main features of the Spanish labour market, based on the development of employment, activity and unemployment in recent years.
- To understand the economic significance and development of the main items in the Spanish balance of payments; understanding the current situation and recent evolution of Spanish foreign trade, the geographical structure of trade, inter-industrial and intra-industrial specialisation, and the factors influencing the evolution of commercial traffic; understanding the institutional transformation and commercial opening that took place in Spain, with special emphasis on the role of Spain’s entry into the EU in the mid-80’s; understanding both sides of foreign investment traffic: Spanish investment abroad and foreign investment in Spain, from sector and geographic standpoints.
To acquire the capacity to apply the knowledge acquired to analysing and describing Spain’s economy.
- To use rational criteria to analyse Spain’s economic situation at any given moment.
- To understand the main features of economic growth in Spain, compared to the rest of the EU.
- To understand the current situation and the development of productive sectors in the Spanish economy, compared to other EU countries.
- To understand regional, functional and personal income distribution in Spain, compared to other EU countries.
- To understand Spanish public intervention through expenditures and revenues, compared to other EU countries.
- To understand the situation and development of the Spanish labour market, compared to other EU countries.
- To understand the situation and recent development of Spanish foreign trade and FDI flows, compared to other EU countries.
- To apply the concepts and techniques acquired in order to write up national and regional economic conjuncture reports.
- To apply objective criteria to the drafting of reports on the Spanish economy.
- To understand the main sources of economic information at sector, regional, national and international level.
- To acquire the skills necessary to seek out economic information on Spain, in comparison with other EU countries.
- To identify and understand relevant Spanish economic information.
Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2019-20
No data
Lecturer responsible:
Norman Mora, Eloisa
Credits ECTS:
Theoretical credits:
Practical credits:
Distance-base hours:
Departments involved
Theoretical credits: 1,6
Practical credits: 0,8
This Dept. is responsible for the course.
This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
Study programmes where this course is taught
Course type: COMPULSORY (Year: 3)