Competencies and objectives
Course context for academic year 2018-19
The subject of Advanced Calculus of Structures is intended to complement the knowledge imparted in the basic subjects of calculation of structures, providing knowledge on structural dynamics and plate theory.
In order to do so, we aim to reinforce the theoretical basis of the student, introducing concepts related to seismology, to the operation of the simple harmonic oscillator of a degree of freedom in response to periodic, harmonic and arbitrary excitations, Duhamel integral , and the dynamic response of structures with Multiple degrees of freedom, applying the concepts of stiffness matrix, damping matrix, modal analysis and obtaining the maximum response using response spectra. The fundamental aspects of the NCSE-02 Seismic Resistant Construction Standard are introduced in the calculation of response spectra and seismic accelerations.
Finally, the student is introduced in the classical plate theory, and in the calculation of stress in different boundary conditions, as well as in the application of Fourier series developments to the plates calculation.
Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2018-19
Specific Competences (Civil Branch)
- CE3 : Capacity to apply knowledge of building materials in structural systems. Understand the relationship between the structure of the materials and the mechanical properties derived from the same.
- CE4 : Capacity to analyse and understand how the characteristics of structures affect their behaviour. Capacity to apply knowledge of the resistant working of structures to size them.
- CE5 : Understand geotechnics and soil and rock mechanics and their application to carrying out studies, projects, constructions and exploitations where it is necessary to carry out earth movements, foundations and containment structures.
- CE6 : Understand the behaviour of reinforced concrete, pre-stressed concrete and metal structures, and capacity to conceive, design, build and maintain these kinds of structures.
Specific Competences (Specific Technology):>>Civil Construction
- CEC1 : Understand the typology and bases for the calculation of pre-fabricated elements and their application to fabrication processes.
- CEC4 : Capacity to build and preserve roads, as well as the sizing, planning and building of the elements that make up highway equipment. Capacity to plan, build and preserve road transport infrastructures.
- CEC5 : Capacity to build and preserve railway lines, understanding how to apply the specific technical regulations, differentiating the characteristics of mobile material. Capacity to plan, build and preserve rail transport infrastructures.
- CEC6 : Capacity to use building procedures, building machinery and works planning techniques.
- CEC7 : Capacity to plan, build and conserve geotechnical works.
Specific Competences (Specific Technology):>>Hydrology
- CEH1 : Knowledge and ability to plan and size hydraulic works and installations, for industrial water production, energy systems, hydroelectric plants and management of surface and underground water resources.
Specific Competences (Specific Technology):>>Transit and Urban Services
- CET1 : Capacity to build and preserve roads, as well as the sizing, planning and building of the elements that make up highway equipment. Capacity to plan, build and preserve road transport infrastructures.
- CET2 : Capacity to build and preserve railway lines, understanding how to apply the specific technical regulations, differentiating the characteristics of mobile material. Capacity to plan, build and preserve rail transport infrastructures.
- CET5 : Understand the design and working of modal interchange infrastructures, such as ports, airports, railway and bus stations and transport logistics centre. Knowledge of transport engineering, planning and management.
Learning outcomes (Training objectives)
No data
Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2018-19
• Seismology introduction, seismic waves and interpretation of accelerograms.
• Show the methods of dynamic modeling and spatial discretization of structures.
• Show the operation and theoretical basis of the one degree of freedom oscillator, emphasizing the concepts of of damping coefficient and Dynamic Amplification Factor.
• Analyze the dynamic behavior of structures with multiple degrees of freedom.
• Introduce the student in the NCSE-02 Standard for the calculation of response spectrum and seismic accelerations.
• Classical Theory of Plates introduction, and application of the Fourier series developments for the plates calculation.
Lecturer responsible:
Brotons Torres, Vicente Esteban
Credits ECTS:
Theoretical credits:
Practical credits:
Distance-base hours:
Departments involved
Theoretical credits: 1,2
Practical credits: 1,2
This Dept. is responsible for the course.
This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
Study programmes where this course is taught
Course type: OPTIONAL (Year: 4)