Competencies and objectives

Provisional information. Pending approval by the Department Council.


Course context for academic year 2017-18

Nowadays there is an increase in life expectancy and a growing aging population. Diseases requiring long-term care are becoming more frequent, increasing prevalence of chronic disease, disability situations and expense associated with them.
Hospital at Home units (UHD) provide services to individuals and their families in the home setting. That is why -considering the pathological characteristics of the patients at home, social and health problems, their length and the frequent changes of patients' condition as well as the usual difficulties caregivers experiment- they require a broad set of services provided simultaneously or sequentially by multiple formal agents. This multiplicity of conditions, services to be offered, agents and its dual dependence, generates a context in which providing quality home care is a complex task and there is a growing need to adapt nursing innovative methodologies to the needs of each geographic health area.
The high complexity of these processes, their diversity and the different stages in each one, require several strategies and coordination mechanisms. The case management model of holistic intervention, centred on the client as a whole together with the environment, promotes personal autonomy and social participation and, above all, facilitates access to coordinated care resources that meet the global needs of patients and caregivers. A model that integrates quality and cost. The case manager nurses are not part of the UHD but collaborate actively in the uptake and binding of complex cases with the UHD team.
On the other hand, information technologies have in the UHD a wide range of potential application and improvement of quality of care indicators- thus acquiring skills in these areas is becoming today an urgent need for nurses.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2017-18

No data



Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2017-18


Students will be able to demonstrate:
Knowledge to describe the responsibilities and / or functions of the nurse in the Hospital at Home Units (UHD).
Knowledge to describe and identify the most frequent pathological situations requiring medical-surgical nursing home care from UHD.
Knowledge to identify the new health and health care demands with UHD multidisciplinary teams.
Knowledge and applicability of protocols, clinical guidelines, multidisciplinary work and new technologies in UHD.
Knowledge and applicability of drug administration, medications, devices and technical equipment within the family context.
Knowledge to record nursing performance in the various stages of health care in the home and the tools necessary to ensure continuity of care.

Specific objectives provided by lecturers (2015-16)

Knowledge to describe the responsibilities and / or functions of the nurse in the Hospital at Home Units (UHD).
Knowledge to describe and identify the most frequent pathological situations adequate for medical-surgical nursing home care from UHD.

Knowledge to identify the new health and health care demands with multidisciplinary teams of UHD.
Knowledge and applicability of protocols, clinical guidelines, care plan standardization and multidisciplinary work.

Knowledge and applicability of the main information systems for nursing care in UHD
Knowledge and applicability of drug administration, medications, devices and technical equipment within the family context.

Knowledge to record nursing performance in the various stages of health care in the home and the tools necessary to ensure continuity of care.





Code: 27030
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 2,00
Practical credits: 0,40
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

  • Dept: NURSING
    Area: NURSING
    Theoretical credits: 2
    Practical credits: 0,4
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught