Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2016-17

Esta asignatura es la segunda de un bloque de tres en materia de traducción del par de lenguas C-A (inglés-español), y su cometido es que los estudiantes, que ya se iniciaron en la asignatura que le antecede (Traducción General Directa C-A I) sigan profundizando en los elementos que constituyen el proceso traductor, tanto desde una óptica teórica como práctica y profesionalizante, por lo que se continuará con el trabajo iniciado en la primera asignatura y se trabajarán los aspectos relacionados con las lenguas de trabajo, los textos, las estrategias y técnicas de traducción, el análisis de errores, así como las herramientas y recursos que se utilizan en el día a día del traductor (sistemas de memorias de traducción, recursos electrónicos, corpus paralelos, etc.).



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees)

General Competences (CG)

  • CG1 : Ability to communicate in the different working languages: languages A (Catalan/Spanish, Level C2 of the European framework), languages B (Level B2/C1), languages C (Level B1/B2 for languages that are taught in secondary education and Level A2/B1 for those not taught in secondary education) and languages D (Level A1/A2). Ability to communicate (oral and written) is understood to refer to understanding and expression and includes grammatical subcompetence (mastery of the linguistic code), sociolinguistic subcompetence (regulates adaptation to the context and is linked with the linguistic variation occurring according the different register elements), pragmatic subcompetence (related to functional use of the language and mastery of discourse, cohesion and coherence). Communicative competence must include at least two languages and cultures (includes passive and active communication stages, as well as the textual conventions of different working cultures and the corresponding cultural, encyclopaedic and thematic knowledge).
  • CG2 : Instrumental competence. Includes the use of documentary sources, terminology search and the management of glossaries, databases, etc., and also the use of the most useful computer applications for exercising the profession (text editors, desktop publishers, databases, Internet, e-mail, translation and editing programmes, translation memories, etc.), as well as other tools such as the fax, dictaphone and the mechanisms and apparatus needed for interpreting booths, etc.).
  • CG3 : Competence to exercise the profession on the labour and deontological market, consisting of the knowledge and skills related to acting as a professional translator and the job market. Includes basic knowledge for managing one's professional practice and factors associated with public and private law, the economy and business (contracts, tax obligations, budgets, financial aspects, invoicing, etc.) and with the deontological code and professional associations. Also such skills as memory, reflexes, creativity, capacities such as trustworthiness, attention span, organisation and planning, memory, capacity for analysis and synthesis, automation of the most common tasks, decision-making, interest in a job well done and a professional approach, the ability to adapt to new situations, initiative, etc. In addition, interpersonal skills such as the ability to relate with others and professional teamwork, not only with other translators and professionals in the field (proof-readers, documentalists, terminologists), but also with clients, initiators, authors, users and experts in the subjects being translated, etc.
  • CG4 : Competence in transference or strategy, understood as the ability to carry out the transference process from the original text and re-express it in the mother tongue according to the purpose of the translation, the characteristics of the recipient and other parameters of the translation project for all kinds of general and specialised texts. Includes subcompetences relating to the procedures applied for organising the work involved, identifying and solving problems and self-assessment, documentation strategies and the ability to use procedures to compensate for deficiencies in other subcompetences and solve problems during the translation process.


Specific Competences (CE):>>For CG1

  • CE1.11 : Assimilate basic writing conventions.
  • CE1.12 : Develop reading and writing strategies.
  • CE1.13 : Acquire basic oral and written communication skills.
  • CE1.14 : Develop linguistic knowledge from contrasting elements.


Specific Competences (CE):>>For CG2

  • CE2.1 : Use computer resources and applications that are useful for translation (terminology management programs, translation memories, CAT or automatic programs, databases, search engines, etc.).
  • CE2.2 : Master information and document search techniques.


Specific Competences (CE):>>For CG3

  • CE3.1 : Understand how the translation market works (type of translator, types of translation, type of task, etc.).
  • CE3.3 : Organise work and design, manage and coordinate translation projects.
  • CE3.4 : Ability to make decisions.
  • CE3.5 : Ability to work autonomously.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2016-17

1. Comprender textos escritos en la lengua C pertenecientes a diferentes tipologías e identificar los rasgos lingüísticos y de contenido relevantes para la traducción
2. Profundizar en los conocimientos de la cultura y civilización de los países de lengua C necesarios para llevar a cabo la traducción de un texto de contenido no especializado.
3. Identificar y analizar los problemas y errores de traducción más frecuentes que plantea la traducción general directa.
4. Profundizar en el uso de recursos de consulta y documentación para la traducción general directa .
5. Conocer las principales técnicas de traducción y su aplicación a distintas situaciones comunicativas.
6. Conocer los aspectos básicos de un "proyecto de traducción".
7. Conocer y aplicar los parámetros de evaluación de los estándares de calidad del sector profesional.
8. Profundizar en los conocimientos sobre herramientas informáticas de traducción asistida.




Code: 32643
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 0,60
Practical credits: 1,80
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 0,6
    Practical credits: 1,8
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught