Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2016-17

Esta asignatura se enmarca en el grupo de materias que giran alrededor de la Economía en la Construcción.
En ella se aborda la elaboración de presupuestos de obra, su seguimiento a lo largo de la misma y las valoraciones inmobiliarias.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2016-17

Specific Competences (CE)

  • E23 : Capacity to prepare and calculate basic, auxiliary, unit and breakdown costs of units of work; analyse and monitor costs during building, draft budgets.
  • E24 : Ability to develop market surveys and valuations, real estate feasibility studies, surveys and financial evaluation of hazards and damage in building.
  • E27 : Capacity to apply the advanced tools needed to reconcile the parts that make up technical projects and their management.


General Transversal Competences

  • G12 : Computer and information technology skills.
  • G13 : Oral and written communication skills.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2016-17

No data




Code: 16025
Lecturer responsible:
García González, Encarnación
Credits ECTS: 9,00
Theoretical credits: 3,00
Practical credits: 3,60
Distance-base hours: 2,40

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 3,6
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught