Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2015-16

Among the optional subjects of the route 1 Nutrition in Sport, this subject of Kinanthropometry and Body Composition (KBC) has an anatomical approach applied to the professional practice of dietitian nutritionist in the field of physical activity and sport.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2015-16

Specific transversal competences of the degree course :>>Foreign language proficiency

  • CT1 : Llegir i comprendre textos en un idioma estranger.


Specific transversal competences of the degree course :>>IT and information competences

  • CT2 : Demostrar destreses i habilitats en informàtica i sistemes informacionals.


Specific transversal competences of the degree course:>>Oral and written communication competences

  • CT3 : Demostrar habilitats en comunicació oral i escrita.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2015-16

Review the concepts of human dimensions.

Learn an example of practical application of Anthropometry: ergonomics.

Know and apply the fantoma, as concept of ideal human dimension.

Know-how the following measures: to) skin folds. (B) Formulas of Siri and Brozek. (C) Bioimpedance. (D) Basic measurements: 1) Lengths and segments; 2) Measurement of diameters and perimeters.

Understand and review rates and health body ratios.

Understand and perform the somatotypes and somatocartas.

Heath-Carter method applied.

Describe the somatotypes in the ideal triangle of Heath and Carter.

Recognize the anthropometric points.

Understand the indirect methods of determination of body composition: A) Hydrodensitometry and plethysmography. B) Dilution techniques. C) Count of K40. D) Doubly indirect. E) BMI Body mass index. F) Skin folds. G) Waist circumference or perimeter. H) Impedance measurement bioelectric. I) Excretion creatinine or metilhistidina

Know-how: A) The BMI calculation. B) Measurement of skinfold. C) measurement of circumference or perimeter.

Study the Phantom of Ross and Wilson.

Review the physical foundations and applications of imaging techniques (MRI, CT, Ultrasound, Densitometry)

See the applications and limitations of diagnostic techniques in the study of body composition.

Use the information provided by techniques of diagnostic imaging in the study of body composition.

Learn the practical usefulness in the study of Anatomy and body composition in athletes with the following techniques: to) densitometry. (B) body 3D scanner.

Understand the particularities in the anatomy and body composition of the athlete in pediatric and juvenile age, adult and old age.

Analyze the disorders of diet, fertility, and osteoporosis.

Evaluate the sexual maturation in the teenage athlete.

Learn about overuse syndromes.

Study of body composition in evolving situations of rehabilitation and recovery.

Perceive the anthropometric characteristics in body composition in obesity.

Understand the utility of diagnostic techniques to measure the percentage of body fat in body composition.

Understand the indications of the diagnostic imaging in the study of the fat composition in obesity

Review on health risk factors associated with obesity.

Know your body composition related to the popular image.

Review the historical evolution of the popular body composition.

Understand the usefulness of Anthropometry in design and fashion.

Understand the risks associated with linking them to the popular image of an ideal body composition in the world of culture and fashion.

Identify the cultural subjectivity in perception of ideal body.




Code: 27534
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,20
Practical credits: 1,20
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 1,2
    Practical credits: 1,2
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught