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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum

Personal data

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+34 965903400 x 3917

Current professional activity

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Academic background

  • Master en Ciencias de la Enfermería
    University Alicante (31/07/2007)
    Centro de Estudios de Doctorado y Posgrado (17/02/2006)
  • Doctor por la Universidad de Alicante
    Dpto. Enfermería Comunitaria, Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública e Historia de la Ciencia (17/02/2006)
  • Bachelor in Nursing
    Hogeschool Zeeland (Vlissingen, Holanda) (01/06/2001)
  • Título Propio de Enfermería
    University Alicante (01/07/2000)
  • Diplomado en Enfermería
    University Alicante (01/06/1998)

Since 1999, I've working at the university as a professor and researcher in the area of Nursing and within the Department of Community Nursing, Preventive Medicine and Public Health and History of Science at the University of Alicante, occupying different positions and, currently, as a professor of university with 4 five-years teaching periods and 3 six-years of research periods and a six-year period of knowledge transfer.

In the teaching facet, I have imparted in degree of nursing and the degree of human and dietetic nutrition, both at the University of Alicante, in different subjects; As well as in different official master's degrees from the University of Alicante, the University of Jaén and the University of Cantabria. Obtaining positive evaluations of my teaching activity in all of them. Regarding the PhD level, I have participated in the doctorate since 2006 and I have oriented or tutored, under my direction, 15 doctoral theses in my field of research, chronic wounds.

From the research perspective, I would like to highlight my leadership role in the field of chronic wounds at national and international level, having held positions in the directives of EWMA (re-elected in june 2019 for a new 3 year period) and EPUAP until 2017, being responsible for the scientific committee of the EWMA (scientific Recorder) and the organization of its congresses in the last years of mandate. At the national level I am part of the GNEAUPP steering committee and I have been invited internationally both in Europe and in Latin America to teach courses and conferences in this field, not only on wounds but also in nursing research. Now, I'm member of the Scientific Committee of EWMA for the next two years.

To finish, we are in the digital era, so talking about digital social media and the so-called "influencers", I was cited as influencer of research in Nursing in Spain, and with recognition from the Head of the University of Alicante.

If you, visit my profile of Google Scholar (, you can see the number of citations of my works and the relative position that I am on the ranking by cites by areas.