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  Study programmes with open pre-registration


Application for undergraduate admission in public Valencian universities is provided by means of a centralised process managed by the regional government.
Official degrees valid all over Spain. These degrees are subject to a comprehensive assessment process so that their quality can be assured to include them in the Spanish Registry of Universities, Higher Education Centres and Degrees (RUCT). Allows access to PhD degrees.
Third-cycle degrees leading to the completion of a PhD thesis, controlled by RD 99/2011.
Undergraduate degrees are taught and certified by the UA in order to meet social and educational needs where students get a UA-only certificate equivalent to a university degree.
Continuing education courses are UA-own courses between 1 and 29 ECTS credits aimed at improving and updating the knowledge of students and teachers as well as other interested people. Activities such as conferences, seminars, specific one-day sessions and forums whose equivalence in credits are between 1 and 3 ECTS can be considered.
New educational model promoted by the European Union to foster inclusion and equal opportunities, facilitating access to education, training, and professional opportunities. These are digital certificates that recognize a new offering of highly specialized and short-duration courses provided by the University.
-Language courses, placement test and language teaching competence.
Courses for academic & research staff offered by the UA Education Science Institute
The "Senior Diploma" Syllabus of the Permanent University is a scientific, cultural and social development programme aimed at promoting science and culture, as well as fostering seniors involvement in society. An open programme which comprises a wide thematic offer of subjects for whose teaching UA teaching staff are responsible with the collaboration of prestigious institutions and specialists.