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Research groups
  Transhistorical Anglophone Literary Studies (THALIS)

General data

Field of study:
+34 965903400 x 9313

Annual reports

Annual report
  • Modern English Literature (fin-de-siècle- Modernism).
  • Origins and evolution of the fictional mind in the pre-narrative materials of the Anglo-American novel (1880-1920).
  • Comparative Literature.
  • Literature and Gender Studies.
  • The Long Eighteenth Century.
  • XIXth, XXth, and XXIth American Literature and Culture.
  • XXth-XXIth British Literature and Culture.
  • Theatre, Performance, and Visual culture.
  • Medical Humanities.
  • Renaissance Literature and Culture.
  • Literary Translation.
  • Shakespeare and Contemporary Visual Culture.
  • American Literature and the Gilded Age.
  • Literature and Culture of the First World War.
  • Travel Literature.
  • Latinx Literature & Culture in the US.
  • Literature and Myths.



Services offered

No data.



No data.


Available relevant infrastructure

No data.


  • Project title: Negotiating Conflict and Reconciliation in Young-Adult Literature Written by WomenING
    Reference: FPU23/03900
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Starting date: 01/01/2025
    Termination date: 31/12/2028
  • Project title: Defying language: The use of bird symbolism in the New Woman KüntslerromanING
    Reference: CIACIF/2021/499
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Project sponsors: GENERALITAT VALENCIANA
    Starting date: 16/11/2022
    Termination date: 15/11/2026
  • Project title: Shakespeare, Arte y Activismo en el siglo XXIING
    Reference: PID2022-137873NA-I00
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Starting date: 01/09/2023
    Termination date: 31/08/2026
  • Project title: Patrimonialización de las memorias colectivas, memorias multidireccionales y decolonialidad. Los desafíos de la construcción identitaria de la nueva Europa (1989-2020) al prisma de las literaturas migrantes.ING
    Reference: CIAICO/2021/339
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Project sponsors: GENERALITAT VALENCIANA
    Starting date: 01/01/2022
    Termination date: 31/12/2024
  • Project title: Espacios de Reconciliación: Intervenciones Postconflicto en Literatura Femenina AnglófonaING
    Reference: PID2022-138786NB-I00
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Starting date: 01/09/2023
    Termination date: 31/08/2026
  • Project title: American Women Exploring Spain (1880-1936) - Open Multimedia Encounters // Viajeras Estadounidenses Explorando España (1880-1936) - Encuentros Multimedia en AbiertoING
    Reference: CIGE/2022/16
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Project sponsors: GENERALITAT VALENCIANA
    Starting date: 01/01/2023
    Termination date: 31/12/2024
  • Project title: Female Relationships and 21st Century Womanhood: Literary RepresentationsING
    Reference: ACIF/2020/196
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Project sponsors: GENERALITAT VALENCIANA
    Starting date: 01/10/2020
    Termination date: 14/09/2023
  • Project title: Congreso Internacional CIJIET-TEATRALESING
    Reference: CIAORG/2023/2
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Project sponsors: Conselleria de Educación, Universidades y Empleo
    Starting date: 06/11/2024
    Termination date: 08/11/2024
  • Project title: Poéticas del activismo: interseccionalidades culturales y literarias en lengua inglesa en el mundo contemporáneo.ING
    Reference: GV/2019/134
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Starting date: 09/07/2019
    Termination date: 31/12/2020
  • Project title: Estancia de investigación predoctoral en centro de fuera de la Comunidad Valenciana (Beca BEFPI 2022)ING
    Reference: CIBEFP/2021/36
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Project sponsors: GENERALITAT VALENCIANA
    Starting date: 22/08/2022
    Termination date: 16/12/2022

Publications See search box

  • Title: Two London Fires and a Critique of Grievability: Mournful Protest, the Black Elegy, and Jay Bernard's Surge (2019)
    Authors: Lopez-Ropero, L.
    Journals Journal of Postcolonial Writing
    Volume: 60
    Pages: 315 - 330
    Date: 2024
    ISSN: 1744-9855
  • Title: A Curator in the House of Memory:  Restoration, Implication and the Post-Conflict Novel in Aminatta Forna's 'The Hired Man'
    Authors: Lopez-Ropero, L.
    Journals English Studies
    Volume: 104.1
    Pages: 134 - 153
    Date: 2023
    ISSN: 0013-838X
  • Title: "Adventure, Art and Architecture: Royall Tyler, a Forgotten Hispanist in the Spain of 1898"
    Authors: Gómez, M.T.
    Journals Studies in Travel Writing
    Volume: 26
    Pages: 19 - 33
    Date: 2023
    ISSN: 1364-5145
  • Title: La instrucción moral en la prensa inglesa del siglo XVIII: The Spectator y The Female Spectator. La influencia de Eliza Haywood. 
    Authors: Díaz Sánchez, Isabel
    Journals Revista de Historia Moderna. Anales de la Universidad de Alicante (Online)
    Pages: 198 - 219
    Date: 2023
    ISSN: 1989-9823
  • Title: "Spain is a Contradiction": Katharine Lee Bates" Quest for Modernity in Spanish Highways and Byways
    Authors: Prieto, S.
    Journals Women's Writing
    Volume: 31
    Pages: 536 - 551
    Date: 2023
    ISSN: 0969-9082
  • Title: The AEF in Print: An Anthology of American Journalism in World War I, edited by Chris Dubbs and John-Daniel Kelley
    Authors: Prieto, S.
    Journals First World War Studies (Online)
    Pages: -
    Date: 2023
    ISSN: 1947-5039
  • Title: David Ruiter, ed. 2022. The Arden Research Handbook of Shakespeare and Social Justice
    Authors: Perni, R.
    Journals SEDERI. Yearbook of the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies.
    Volume: 32
    Pages: 144 - 148
    Date: 2022
    ISSN: 1135-7789
  • Title: Anglophone Theatre and Performance Studies in Spain: An Introduction
    Authors: Rodriguez-Morales, V. ; Guerrero Llorente, Isabel; Rodríguez-Solás, David
    Journals Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses
    Volume: 37
    Pages: 7 - 15
    Date: 2021
    ISSN: 0214-4808
  • Title: English literature students` perspectives on digital resources in a Spanish university
    Authors: ROIG MARIN, AMANDA DAFNE; Prieto, S.
    Journals Journal of Academic Librarianship
    Volume: 47
    Pages: 1 - 8
    Date: 2021
    ISSN: 0099-1333
  • Title: "Overt Unreliability and the Metarepresentational Frame: On the Limits of Henry James's Unreliable Narration"
    Authors: Álvarez, J.A.
    Journals AAA, Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik
    Volume: 46
    Pages: 71 - 97
    Date: 2021
    ISSN: 0171-5410
  • Title: Ofelia en la cultura visual: memoria y melancolía
    Authors: Perni, R.
    Editorial: Editorial Comares
    Date: 2023
    ISBN: 978-84-1369-181-7
  • Title: Lexicón para el análisis cultural
    Authors: , Bal, M.; Perni, R.
    Editorial: Akal
    Date: 2021
    ISBN: 978-84-460-5046-9
  • Title: La edad de la inocencia. Edición crítica, con estudio preliminar y notas
    Authors: Gómez, M.T.
    Editorial: Cátedra
    Date: 2020
    ISBN: 978-84-376-4150-8
  • Title: David Greig's Holed Theatre: Globalization. Ethics and the Spectator
    Authors: Rodriguez-Morales, V.
    Editorial: Palgrave Macmillan
    Date: 2019
    ISBN: 978-3-030-06181-4
  • Title: La ciencia de la imagen: iconología, cultura visual y estética de los medios
    Authors: Perni, R.
    Editorial: Akal
    Date: 2019
    ISBN: 978-84-460-4756-8
  • Title: Reporting the First World War in the Liminal Zone. British and American Eyewitness Accounts from the Western Front
    Authors: Prieto, S.
    Editorial: Palgrave Macmillan
    Date: 2018
    ISBN: 978-3-319-68593-9
  • Title: ¿Verano en los lagos¿, edición, con estudio preliminar y notas.
    Authors: Gómez, M.T.
    Editorial: La línea del horizonte ediciones
    Date: 2017
    ISBN: 8415958714
  • Title: ¿Edith Wharton: Del viaje como arte. Travesías por España, Francia, Italia y el Mediterráneo¿, edición, estudio preliminar y notas
    Authors: Gómez, M.T.
    Editorial: La línea del horizonte ediciones
    Date: 2016
    ISBN: 978-84-15958-43-7
  • Title: Lo que sabía Maisie, edición, estudio preliminar y notas.
    Authors: Álvarez, J.A.
    Editorial: Ediciones Cátedra
    Date: 2016
    ISBN: 978-84-376-3497-5
  • Title: Tiempos trastornados: análisis, políticas e historias de la mirada. (Trad. Remedios Perni)
    Authors: Perni, R.
    Editorial: Akal
    Date: 2016
    ISBN: 9788446042808
  • Book chapter title:   Latinx Border-Bildungsroman: A case study of Javier Zamora's memoir Solito (2022)
    Authors: Díaz Sánchez, Isabel
    Editorial: Peter Lang
    Pages: -
    Book title: The Mexico-US Border in Contemporary Narratives of the Pan-American Imaginary
  • Book chapter title: A Museum of Voices: Ekphrastic Encounters in the Poetry of Jackie Kay
    Authors: Lopez-Ropero, L.
    Editorial: Routledge
    Pages: -
    Date: 2025
    Book title: Jackie Kay: Critical Essays
  • Book chapter title: 'El hechizo de España¿: Maud Howe Elliott y el reformismo cultural y político en Sun and Shadow in Spain (1908)
    Authors: Prieto, S.
    Editorial: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá
    Pages: -
    Date: 2025
    Book title: Vínculos entre España y Norteamérica: un viaje de ida y vuelta a través del Atlántico
  • Book chapter title: Narratives of Memories in Contemporary British and American Decolonial Fiction: A Comparative Analysis
    Authors: Díaz Sánchez, Isabel
    Editorial: DYKINSON
    Pages: 105 - 116
    Date: 2024
    Book title: Literaturas migrantes, preservación de las memorias e identidades colectivas, y cohesión social. Retos para la Europa del siglo XXI
  • Book chapter title: The Uber-performing Uterus of Henrietta Lacks and Eve Ensler: Ecologies of the Womb in Mojisola Adebayo's Family Tree and Eve Ensler's In the Body of the World
    Authors: Rodriguez-Morales, V.
    Pages: 45 - 56
    Date: 2024
    Book title: The Routledge Companion to Performance and Medicine. Eds. Alex Mermikides and Gianna Bouchard. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Book chapter title: ¿Viejas brujas contra jóvenes heroínas?: Análisis de la rivalidad femenina en los remakes de acción en vivo de Disney (2010-2021)
    Authors: Más Sánchez, C
    Editorial: DYKINSON
    Pages: 44 - 58
    Date: 2024
    Book title: Subjetividades femeninas transgresoras en la narrativa literaria y audiovisual
  • Book chapter title: Journalists
    Authors: Prieto, S.
    Editorial: Edinburgh University Press
    Pages: 161 - 174
    Date: 2023
    Book title: Edinburgh Companion to First World War Periodicals
  • Book chapter title: Posh
    Authors: Rodriguez-Morales, V.
    Editorial: Cambridge University Press
    Pages: -
    Date: 2023
    Book title: The Cambridge Companion to British Playwriting since 1945
  • Book chapter title: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence on Female Bodies: Ecofeminism in Lucy Kirkwood"s Maryland (2021) and Ellie Kendrick"s and RashDash"s Hole (2018)
    Authors: Rodriguez-Morales, V.
    Editorial: De Gruyter Mouton
    Pages: 35 - 56
    Date: 2023
    Book title: The New Wave of British Women Playwrights: 2008 ¿ 2021
  • Book chapter title: Una aproximación a la memoria multidireccional en la Literatura Chicana
    Authors: Díaz Sánchez, Isabel
    Editorial: Peter Lang
    Pages: 121 - 132
    Date: 2023
    Book title: De la postmémoire à la mémoire multidirectionnelle. Dialogues de mémoires et constructions identitaires / De la postmemòria a la memòria multidireccional. Diàlegs de memòries i construccions identitàries.

    DOI: 10.3726/b20479
  • Title: El uso de Padlet en el aula de literatura inglesa: un método innovador para la enseñanza de la escritura académica
    Authors: Martínez-Quiles,Teresa.
    Type of participation: Ponencia
    Conference name: III Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente, Educación y Transferencia del Conocimiento. Debates y experiencias en torno a la innovación docente: visión actual y prospectiva
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 23/04/2024
  • Title: El teatro encarnado: de úteros y performance
    Authors: Rodriguez-Morales, V.
    Type of participation: Ponencia
    Conference name: II Jornada de Docencia e Investigación Teatrales en la UA¿, Centro de Estudios Literarios Iberoamericanos Mario Benedetti, Universitat d'Alacant
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 12/03/2024
  • Title: IXé Seminari Internacional dHistòria i Poètiques de la Memòria: Stolpersteine/Pedres de memòria per a després d'una guerra.
    Authors: Díaz Sánchez, Isabel
    Type of participation: Comité organizador
    Conference name:
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: San Vicente del Raspeig (ALICANTE/ALACANT) (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 22/11/2023
  • Title: Care Openings
    Authors: Rodriguez-Morales, V.
    Type of participation: Ponencia
    Conference name: Symposium Theatre and Care in 21st-Century British Theatre, University of Barcelona
    Event type: Europeo
    City of performance: Barcelona (BARCELONA) (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 17/11/2023
  • Title: Narratives of Memory in Contemporary British and American Decolonial fiction: Bernardine Evaristo's Manifesto (2021) and Cherríe Moraga's Native Country of the Heart (2019)
    Authors: Díaz Sánchez, Isabel
    Type of participation: Ponencia
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA, LAS (PALMAS (LAS)) (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 08/11/2023
  • Title: Ophelia and the Urgency of Now: Shakespeare, Activism and Visual Culture
    Authors: Perni, R.
    Type of participation: Ponencia
    Conference name: ESRA Conference 2023: Then fate overruled: Change in Shakespeare
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: Budapest (HUNGRÍA)
    Date of performance: 06/07/2023
  • Title: "Shakespeare, Activism & the Arts in the 21st Century"
    Authors: Perni, R.
    Type of participation: Ponencia
    Conference name: 33 SEDERI International Conference
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: Valencia (VALENCIA/ VALÈNCIA) (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 03/05/2023
  • Title: In spite of blood and anguish: Resourcefulness and resilience in American narratives from the Wester Front
    Authors: Gómez, M.T.
    Type of participation: Ponencia invitada
    Conference name: 16th International SAAS Conference
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 28/03/2023
  • Title: Desencantando el Encantamiento: Reescritura de los Cuentos de Hadas desde una Perspectiva de Género en "Encantada" (2007) y "Desencantada" (2022)
    Authors: Más Sánchez, C
    Type of participation: Ponencia
    Conference name: Congreso Internacional para Jóvenes Investigadores de Estudios Literarios Feministas
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: Granada (GRANADA) (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 13/03/2023
  • Title: "De pronto y de verdad soy buena hoy": Análisis de las Villanas Disney en los Remakes de Acción en Vivo (2010-2021)
    Authors: Más Sánchez, C
    Type of participation: Ponencia
    Conference name: V Congreso Internacional Mujeres, Cultura y Sociedad
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: Almeria (ALMERÍA) (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 27/04/2022