Title: Automated signal recognition as a useful tool for monitoring little-studied species: The case of the Band-tailed Nighthawk
Authors: Perez-Granados, C. ; , Schuchmann, K-L.
Journals Ecological Informatics
Volume: 72
Pages: 101861 -
Date: 2022
ISSN: 1574-9541
Title: Diel and seasonal variation of Striped Cuckoo (Tapera naevia) vocalizations revealed using automated signal recognition
Authors: Perez-Granados, C. ; , Schuchmann, K-L.
Journals Ibis
Pages: -
Date: 2022
ISSN: 0019-1019
Title: Bigger is better? Differences in reproductive success in young and old females of a long-lived species
Authors: Rodriguez-Caro, R. C. ; , Segura, A.; , Graciá, E.; , Acevedo. P
Journals Animals
Volume: 11
Pages: 467 -
Date: 2021
ISSN: 2076-2615
Title: Functional traits driving species role in the structure of terrestrial vertebrate scavenger networks
Authors: Sebastian-Gonzalez, E. ; , Sebastián González + 59 authors
Journals Ecology
Pages: -
Date: 2021
ISSN: 0012-9658
Title: Drivers of migrant passerine composition at stopover islands in the western Mediterranean
Authors: López-Iborra, G.M.; Bañuls, Antonio; , Joan Castany i Alvaro; Escandell, Raül; Sallent, Ángel; Suárez, Manuel
Journals Scientific Reports
Volume: 12
Pages: -
Date: 2022
ISSN: 2045-2322
Title: Biases in conservation: a regional analysis of Spanish vertebrates
Authors: Rodriguez-Caro, R. C. ; , García-Macía, J.; , Pérez-Ibarra, I.
Journals Journal for Nature Conservation. Under review
Pages: -
Title: Blind shots: non-natural mortality counteracts conservation efforts of a threatened waterbird
Authors: , Pérez-García, J. M.; Sebastian-Gonzalez, E. ; Rodríguez-Caro, Roberto; , Sanz-Aguilar, A.; Botella, Francisco
Journals Animal Conservation
Pages: -
ISSN: 1367-9430
Title: Capacity of countries to reduce biological invasions
Authors: Latombe, Guillaume; , Seebens, H.; Lenzner, Bernd; Courchamp, Franck; Dullinger, Stefan; Golivets, Marina; , Kuhn, D; Leung Woo, Elin; Roura-Pascual, Núria; Cebrián, Emma; , W.O. Dawson; Diagne, Cristophe; Jeschke, Jonathan; Perez-Granados, C. ; Doser, Dietmar; Turbellin, Anna; Visconti Pimentel, MF; Essl, Franz
Journals Sustainability Science
Pages: -
ISSN: 1862-4065
Title: Hyperpredation on long-living species as an emerging conservation challenge: a case study with spur-thighed tortoises and golden eagles
Authors: Rodriguez-Caro, R. C. ; , Gil-Sánchez, J.M; , Moleón, M.; , Martínez-Pastor, M.C.; , Bautista, J.; , León-Ortega, M.; , Eguía, S.; , Graciá, E.; , Botella. F.; , Sanchez-Zapata, J.A.; , Martínez-Fernández, J.; , Esteve-Selma, M.A.; , Giménez, A.
Journals Under review. Animal Conservation
Pages: -
Title: Key conservation actions for European steppes in the context of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
Authors: Perez-Granados, C. ; Pérez-Granados, Cristian; , \u003e 50 authors
Journals Sustainability Science
Pages: -
ISSN: 1862-4065
Title: El alzacola rojizo en España, población reproductora en 2020 y método de censo.
Authors: López-Iborra, G.M.
Editorial: Sociedad Española de Ornitología/Madrid
Date: 2021
ISBN: 978-84-120635-8-5
DOI: 10.31170/0085
Title: El carricerín real en España. I Censo Nacional (2005)
Authors: , Castany-Àlvaro, J.; López-Iborra, G.M.
Editorial: Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife)
Date: 2006
ISBN: 84-934018-6-2
Title: Contribución del anillamiento al conocimiento y conservación de las aves en España: pasado, presente y futuro
Authors: Arizaga, Juan; Aguirre, José I.; Arroyo, Beatriz; Aymí, Raúl; Banda, Eva; Barba, Emilio; Borràs, Antoni; Bota, Gerard; Carrascal, Luis M.; Gutiérrez Expósito, Carlos; de la Hera, Iván; del Moral, Juan C.; Figuerola, Jordi; Gargallo, Gabriel; Guallar, Santiago; Illa, Marc; Leal, Arantza; López-Iborra, G.M.; López, Pascual; Mañosa, Santiago; Monrós, Juan S.; Onrubia, Alejandro; Sanz Aguilar, Ana; Senar, Juan C.; Tavecchia, Giacomo; Tellería, José L.; Suárez, Manolo
Editorial: Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi/Donostia
Date: 2021
ISBN: 978-84-17713-49-2
Title: Anuario Ornitológico de Madrid 2015-2017
Authors: Perez-Granados, C. ; Juan, Miguel; de la Torre, Virginia; Pérez-Granados, Cristian
Editorial: SEO-Monticola
Date: 2018
Title: Anuario Ornitológico de Madrid 2018
Authors: Perez-Granados, C. ; Juan, Miguel; de la Torre, Virginia; Pérez-Granados, Cristian
Editorial: SEO-Monticola
Date: 2018
Title: Anuario Ornitológico de Madrid 2011-2014
Authors: Perez-Granados, C. ; Juan, Miguel; Pérez-Granados, Cristian; de la Puente, Javier
Editorial: SEO-Monticola
Date: 2017
Title: Els vertebrats terrestres de la comarca d'Alacant.
Authors: López-Iborra, G.M.; , Rico, L.; , Martín, C.
Editorial: Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Alicante
Date: 1992
ISBN: 84-86314-71-2
Book chapter title: Biodiversidad y procesos ecológicos en el Sureste Ibérico
Authors: Rodriguez-Caro, R. C. ; Rodríguez-Caro, Roberto; Graciá, Eva; Ayllón, Enrique; Giménez, Andres
Editorial: Gustavo, A. Ballesteros Pelegrín, Francisco Belmonte Serrato, Jorge M. Sánchez Balibrea y Francisco Robledano Aymerich (eds.)
Pages: 96 - 103
Book title: Lento pero seguro: Proyecto Testudo, un programa de seguimiento a largo plazo.
Book chapter title: Effects of climate change on the potential distribution of Testudo graeca in Southeaster Iberian Peninsula.
Authors: Rodriguez-Caro, R. C. ; , Esteve-Selma, M.A.; , Martínez-Fernández, J.; , Montoya-Bernabeu, P.; , Graciá, E.; , Giménez, A.
Editorial: In Graciá E., Rodríguez-Caro R.C. and Giménez A. (eds)
Pages: -
Book title: Conservation of Mediterranean tortoises under global change. (in press)
Book chapter title: Effects of land use changes on terrestrial tortoises: a spatially explicit individual-based model approach.
Authors: Rodriguez-Caro, R. C. ; , Jiménez-Franco, M. V.; , Graciá, E.; , Wiegand, T.; , Anadón, J.D.; , Botella, F.; , Giménez, A.
Editorial: In Graciá E., Rodríguez-Caro R.C. and Giménez A. (eds)
Pages: -
Book title: Conservation of Mediterranean tortoises under global change. (in press)
Book chapter title: Long-term monitoring program of Testudo graeca in Murcia-Almería populations.
Authors: Rodriguez-Caro, R. C. ; , Mira, A.; , Martínez-Pastor, M.C.; , Graciá, E.; , Botella, F.; , Giménez, A.
Editorial: In Graciá E., Rodríguez-Caro R.C. and Giménez A. (eds)
Pages: -
Book title: Conservation of Mediterranean tortoises under global change. (in press)
Book chapter title: Prophylaxis protocol for tortoise fieldwork.
Authors: Rodriguez-Caro, R. C. ; , Mira, A.; , Garcia-de la Fuente, M.I.; , Giménez, A.; , Graciá, E.
Editorial: In Graciá E., Rodríguez-Caro R.C. and Giménez A. (eds)
Pages: -
Book title: Conservation of Mediterranean tortoises under global change. (in press)
Book chapter title: The double role of endobionic nematodes in Testudo graeca populations.
Authors: Rodriguez-Caro, R. C. ; , De Ybañéz, R.R.; , Benítez-Malvido, J.; , Giménez, A.; , Silicio-Cantero, H.H.; , Traveset, A.; , Maíz, A.; , Graciá, E.
Editorial: In Graciá E., Rodríguez-Caro R.C. and Giménez A. (eds)
Pages: -
Book title: Conservation of Mediterranean tortoises under global change. (in press)
Book chapter title: A fragmentação afeta a dinâmica daspopulações do arredio-do-gravatá(Limnoctites rectirostris) em manchas deáreas úmidas continentais
Authors: , Maycon Sanyvan Sigales Gonçalves; Galvão Bastazini, Vinicius Augusto; Pons, Priscilla S.; Bonow, Felipe C.; , Gil-Delgado, J.A; López-Iborra, G.M.
Editorial: USEB
Pages: 117 - 126
Date: 2024
Book title: Ecologia e conservação de ecossistemas aquáticos do sul do Brasil
Book chapter title: Alzacola rojizo Cercotrichas galactotes
Authors: López-Iborra, G.M.; Alcántara Cáceres, Lorenzo; Díaz Portero, Miguel Ángel; Molina, Carlos; Sallent, Ángel
Pages: -
Date: 2022
Book title: III Atlas de las aves en época de reproducción en España
Book chapter title: Bigotudo Panurus biarmicus
Authors: López-Iborra, G.M.; Belenguer Barrionuevo, Roque
Editorial: Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife)
Pages: -
Date: 2022
Book title: III Atlas de las aves en época de reproducción en España
Book chapter title: Carricerín real Acrocephalus melanopogon
Authors: López-Iborra, G.M.; , Castany, J.
Editorial: Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife)
Pages: -
Date: 2022
Book title: III Atlas de las aves en época de reproducción en España
Title: Seasonal Survival Patterns in House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) in Urban Environments: a study case in a Mediterranean city
Authors: Bernat Ponce, Edgar; López-Iborra, G.M.; , Gil-Delgado, J.A
Type of participation:
Conference name: 7th Working Group Urban Sparrows Meeting. Biology, Ecology, Decline, and Conservation of Urban Sparrows
Event type: Internacional
City of performance:
Date of performance: 27/10/2023
Title: A Performance Evaluation of Lightweight Deep Learning Approaches for Bird Recognition
Authors: TETERJA, DMITRIJ; Garcia-Rodriguez, J.; Azorin-Lopez, J.; Sebastian-Gonzalez, E.
Type of participation:
Conference name: 17th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
Event type: Internacional
City of performance: PONTA DELGADA
Date of performance: 19/06/2023
Tips for a mom-friendly lab environment
Authors: Sebastian-Gonzalez, E.
Type of participation:
Conference name:
Event type: Internacional
City of performance:
Date of performance: 12/09/2022
Title: Plant functional diversity affects the macroinvertebrate community in a Hawaiian wet forest restoration
Authors: Sebastian-Gonzalez, E.
Type of participation:
Conference name:
Event type: Internacional
City of performance:
Date of performance: 05/09/2022
Title: Finding Akepa: Detecting endangered bird species using bioacoustics
Authors: Sebastian-Gonzalez, E. ; Sebastián-González, Esther; Tanimoto, Ann; Pang-Ching, Joshua; Hart, Patrick
Type of participation:
Conference name: 23 Hawaii Conservation Conference
Event type: Internacional
City of performance: Hilo
Date of performance: 15/08/2015
Title: Uso de modelos preditivos para Conservaçao de aves
Authors: López-Iborra, G.M.
Type of participation:
Ponencia invitada
Conference name: XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Ornitologia
Event type: Internacional
City of performance: Palmas
Date of performance: 29/06/2008
Title: Estimación de la riqueza de Coleópteros (Insecta) mediante curvas de acumulación de especies
Authors: , González-García, I.; , Favila-Castillo, M.E.; López-Iborra, G.M.
Type of participation:
Conference name: II Simposio de Museos y Salas de Historia Natural
Event type: Internacional
City of performance: La Habana
Date of performance: 20/05/2008
Title: Nuevas formas de cartografiar la distribución de las aves: Los modelos predictivos.
Authors: López-Iborra, G.M.
Type of participation:
Ponencia invitada
Conference name: XVIII Congreso Español de Ornitología y III Ibérico de Ornitología
Event type: Internacional
City of performance: Elche (ALICANTE/ALACANT)
Date of performance: 12/10/2006
Coloration diversity and its relationship with the socialization degree in vultures
Authors: Sebastian-Gonzalez, E.
Type of participation:
Conference name:
Event type: Nacional
City of performance:
Date of performance: 16/10/2023
Title: El patrón de la cola en la collalba negra (Oenanthe leucura) podría actuar como señal de dominancia
Authors: Perez-Granados, C. ; Pérez-Granados, Cristian; Seoane, Javier
Type of participation:
Conference name: XX Congreso Español de Anillamiento
Event type: Nacional
City of performance:
Date of performance: 12/10/2017