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Key player policies when contextual effects matter Ballester, C., and Y. Zenou Journal of Mathematical Sociology - Forthcoming Random-Walk-Based Segregation Measures Ballester, C. and M. Vorsatz Review of Economics and Statistics - Forthcoming Strategic Interaction and Conventions Espinoza, Maria Paz, Jaromir Kovarik and Giovanni Ponti Psicothema - Forthcoming A Newer Human Development Index. Herrero, C., R. Martínez, and A. Villar Journal of Human Development and Capabilities - 2012 Downstream Mergers and Upstream Investment. Faulí-Oller, R., J. Sandonís and J. Santamaría The Manchester School - 2011 Interactions with Hidden Complementarities Ballester, Coralio and Antoni Calvó-Armengol Regional Science and Urban Economics - 2011 Partial Price Discrimination by an Upstream Monopolist. Bru, L., R. Faulí-Oller and J. Sandonís SERIEs - 2011 Delinquent Networks Ballester, C., A. Calvó-Armengol and Y. Zenou Journal of the European Economic Association - 2010 ATM surcharges: effects on deployment and welfare. Chioveanu, I., R. Faulí-Oller, J. Sandonís and J. Santamaría The Journal of Industrial Economics - 2009 Balanced allocation methods for claims problems with indivisibilities Herrero, C., and R. Martínez Social Choice and Welfare - 2008 Horizontal mergers for buyer power Fauli-Oller, R. and L. Bru Economics Bulletin - 2008 Mergers in Asymmetric Stackelberg Markets. Escrihuela-Villar, M. and R. Fauli-Oller Spanish Economic Review - 2008 Patent Licensing by Means of an Auction: Internal vs. External Patentee. Sandonís, J. and R. Fauli-Oller The Manchester School - 2008 Decision theories and probabilistic insurance: an experimental test Herrero, C., J. Tomás, and A. Villar Spanish Economic Review - 2006 On the Competitive Effects of Vertical Integration by a Research Laboratory. Sandonís, J. and R. Fauli-Oller International Journal of Industrial Organization - 2006 Who is Who in Networks. Wanted: The Key Player. Ballester, C., A. Calvó-Armengol, and Y. Zenou Econometrica - 2006
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