Title: Mergers and licensing with horizontal differentiation Authors: Sandonís, J.; Fauli-Oller, R. Journals Journal of Public Economic Theory Volume: Pages: - Date: 2024 ISSN: 1467-9779
Title: Unpacking overconfidence when betting on oneself Authors: Bleichrodt, H. Journals Management Science Volume: 70 Pages: 7042 - 7061 Date: 2024 ISSN: 0025-1909 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2021.00165
Title: Sequential licensing with several competing technologies. Authors: Fauli-Oller, R.; González-Maestre, Miguel Journals SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association Volume: 15 Pages: 179 - 201 Date: 2024 ISSN: 1869-4187 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13209-023-00295-x
Title: An Experiment on Outcome Uncertainty Authors: Ponti, G Journals Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Volume: Pages: - Date: 2022 ISSN: 0895-5646
Title: Beta-Delta or Tau-Delta? A Reformulation of Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting Authors: Bleichrodt, H. ; Potter van Loon, Rogier J.D.; Prelec, Drazen Journals Management Science Volume: 68 Pages: - Date: 2022 ISSN: 0025-1909 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2022.4453
Title: Fee versus royalty licensing in a Cournot duopoly with increasing marginal costs Authors: Fauli-Oller, R.; SANDONIS DIEZ, JOEL Journals Manchester School Volume: 90 Pages: 439 - 452 Date: 2022 ISSN: 1463-6786 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/manc.12411
Title: Fee vs. royalty licensing in a Cournot duopoly with increasing marginal costs Authors: , Faulí-Oller, Ramon; Sandonís, J. Journals Manchester School Volume: 90 Pages: 439 - 452 Date: 2022 ISSN: 1463-6786 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/manc.12411
Title: Incentives in Surveys Authors: Baillon, Aurelien; Bleichrodt, H. ; Granic, Georg Journals Journal of Economic Psychology Volume: 93 Pages: - Date: 2022 ISSN: 0167-4870 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joep.2022.102552
Title: Behavioral Economics of the Covid-19 Pandemic Authors: Jimenez-Gomez, D; , Jose María Abellán Perpiñán Journals Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía Volume: Pages: - Date: 2021 ISSN: 0213-3865
Book chapter title: Teoría de juegos y "nudging" para el buen gobierno Authors: Jimenez-Gomez, D Editorial: Pages: - Date: ISBN: Book title: Acicates (nudges), Buen Gobierno y Buena Administración: Aportaciones de las ciencias conductuales, nudging y sector público y privado
Book chapter title: La gestión de la pandemia de SARS-CoV-2 según la economía del comportamiento Authors: Jimenez-Gomez, D; , Jose María Abellán Perpiñán; , Juan E. del Llano Señarís Editorial: Asociación de Economía de la Salud (AES) Pages: 89 - 94 Date: 2020 ISBN: Book title: Economía de la salud (y más) de la COVID-19
Book chapter title: Horizontal Mergers in oligopoly Authors: Fauli-Oller, R.; Sandonís, J. Editorial: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited Pages: 7 - 33 Date: 2018 ISBN: Book title: Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Vol II
Book chapter title: Preferencias sociales Authors: , Cabrales, A.; Ponti, G Editorial: Antoni Bosch Pages: 109 - 124 Date: 2011 ISBN: Book title: Economía experimental y del comportamiento
Book chapter title: Investment incentives in auctions: an experiment Authors: , Grimm, V.; , Mengel, F.; Ponti, G; , Viianto, L.A. Editorial: Cambridge University Press (UK) Pages: 267 - 300 Date: 2009 ISBN: Book title: Experiments and Competition Policy
Book chapter title: Firm Heterogeneity: do export destinations and import origins matter? Authors: Serti, F.; , Tomasi, C. Editorial: Franco Angeli Editore Pages: 30 - 60 Date: 2008 ISBN: Book title: Multinationals and Local Competitiveness
Book chapter title: Inequality or Strategic Uncertainty? An Experimental Study on Incentives and Hierarchy Authors: Ponti, G; , Lopez-Pintado, D.; , Winter, E. Editorial: Palgrave Macmillan Pages: 235 - 255 Date: 2008 ISBN: Book title: Games, Rationality and Behaviour: Essays on Behavioural Game Theory and Experiments
Book chapter title: Dynamic Networks in Innovation-Intensive Industries Authors: , Cottica, A.; Ponti, G Editorial: Ashgate Publishing Co Pages: 137 - 152 Date: 2004 ISBN: Book title: The Economic Importance of Intangible Assets
Title: Entry eccouraging vertical integration Authors: Sandonís, J. Type of participation:
Ponencia Conference name: 2024vASSET Meeting Event type: Internacional City of performance: Venecia
(ITALIA) Date of performance: 31/10/2024
Title: Entry encouraging vertical integration Authors: Sandonís, J. Type of participation:
Ponencia Conference name: European Association on Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) Event type: Internacional City of performance: Amsterdam
(PAÍSES BAJOS (parte europea)) Date of performance: 30/08/2024
Title: Welfare encouraging vertical integration Authors: Fauli-Oller, R.; , Joel Sandonís Type of participation:
Ponencia Conference name: Jornadas de economía Industrial 2024 Event type: Internacional City of performance: (ESPAÑA) Date of performance: 05/09/2024
Title: Divisionalization in Vertical Structures Authors: Fauli-Oller, R. Type of participation:
Ponencia Conference name: EARIE 2024 Event type: Internacional City of performance: AMSTERDAM
(PAÍSES BAJOS (parte europea)) Date of performance: 30/08/2024
Title: Entry encouraging vertical integration Authors: Sandonís, J. Type of participation:
Ponencia Conference name: Public Economic Theory Conference 2024 Event type: Europeo City of performance: Lyon
(FRANCIA) Date of performance: 09/06/2024
Title: Takeovers and Licensing in Spatial Competition Authors: Fauli-Oller, R.; , Joel Sandonís Type of participation:
Ponencia Conference name: XXXVII Jornadas de Economía Industrial Event type: Internacional City of performance: (ESPAÑA) Date of performance: 07/09/2023
Title: Takeovers and Licensing in Spatial Competition Authors: Sandonís, J. Type of participation:
Ponencia Conference name: EARIE 2023 Event type: Internacional City of performance: Roma
(ITALIA) Date of performance: 24/08/2023
Title: Takeovers and Licensing in Spatial Competition Authors: Sandonís, J.; Fauli-Oller, R. Type of participation:
Ponencia Conference name: Australasian Econometric Society Meeting Event type: Internacional City of performance: Sydney
(AUSTRALIA) Date of performance: 07/08/2023
Title: Uncovering seeds Authors: Ballester, C Type of participation:
Ponencia Conference name: SEET 2023 Event type: Internacional City of performance: Valencia (VALENCIA/ VALÈNCIA)
(ESPAÑA) Date of performance: 02/02/2023
Title: Sequential divisionalization under oligopoly: equilibrium and welfare implications Authors: Fauli-Oller, R.; González, Miguel Type of participation:
Ponencia Conference name: 49th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics Event type: Internacional City of performance: Viena
(AUSTRIA) Date of performance: 25/08/2022