Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2024-25

The end of the Roman Republic brought with it the civil wars between the Populars and the Optimates, part of which took place in Valencian territory. The proximity of Valentia, a city in favour of the Sertorian (popular) side and where one of the most bloody battles was fought, and Carthago Nova, an important senatorial or optimate port, turned the Alicante coast into a key area for the military strategy of the Sertorian or popular army. In this course we will first analyse what this strategy consisted of, and then focus on the daily life of the Roman legionaries in the forts that Sertorius ordered to be built around 77 B.C. on the coastal promontories of Alicante.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2024-25

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Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2024-25

1. To understand the strategic importance of the Alicante coast in antiquity.
2. To understand what the professionalisation of the Roman army meant.
3. To get to know the most social and daily life of a Roman soldier.
4. Analyse the importance of alliances in supplying the Roman army.
5. Study the processes of change in times of crisis.




Code: 92189
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 2,00
Theoretical credits: 2,00
Practical credits: 0,00
Distance-base hours: 0,00

Departments involved

No data

Study programmes where this course is taught