Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2022-23

Cada vez es más sólida la evidencia científica y epidemiológica sobre la relación entre distintos aspectos de la dieta como factores de riesgo o bien con potencial protector para la salud. Este hecho ha suscitado un creciente interés por los aspectos cualitativos que pudieran repercutir en mayor medida en la génesis de las enfermedades crónicas, la calidad de vida, las potencialidades físicas e intelectuales y la longevidad y que han dado lugar al desarrollo de la Nutrición Comunitaria.

Las principales funciones prácticas que se desarrollan desde la Nutrición Comunitaria consisten en identificar y evaluar problemas nutricionales de la comunidad y diseñar, organizar, implementar y evaluar programas de intervención nutricional mediante distintas estrategias, orientados hacia el medio ocupacional, medio escolar, colectivos de riesgo o para la población general.

Las intervenciones en la comunidad pretenden conseguir gradualmente una adecuación del modelo nutricional hacia un perfil más saludable, a través de herramientas diversas, pero entre las que cobra especial relevancia la educación nutricional.

Los programas de Nutrición Comunitaria y Educación Nutricional requieren, por tanto, el abordaje de estrategias de distinta naturaleza y de manera simultánea. Son numerosos los aspectos que influyen en el estado nutricional de un individuo o de una población y que es necesario conocer, vigilar y adecuar para conseguir un trabajo efectivo y un mejor estado de salud.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2022-23

Specific Competences (CE)

  • E56 : Understand and intervene in the design, implementation and validation of nutritional epidemiological studies, as well as participate in the planning, analysis and evaluation of diet and nutrition intervention programmes in different contexts.
  • E57 : Collaborate with the implantation of quality systems.
  • E58 : Understand health care information systems.
  • E59 : Develop the personal skills needed to carry out nutritional education options in optimum fashion.


Specific transversal competences of the degree course :>>Foreign language proficiency

  • CT1 : Read and understand texts in a foreign language.


Specific transversal competences of the degree course :>>IT and information competences

  • CT2 : Show computer and information system skills and abilities.


Specific transversal competences of the degree course:>>Oral and written communication competences

  • CT3 : Show oral and written communication skills.


General Competences of the Degree Course (CG):>>Nutrition, dietetics and health module

  • 26 : Apply Food and Nutritional Sciences to dietary practice.
  • 29 : Evaluate and calculate nutritional requirements in situations of sickness and health at any stage of the life cycle.
  • 31 : Take part in designing total diet studies.
  • 32 : Understand, detect early and evaluate quantitative and qualitative deviations of nutritional balance due to excess or deficiency.
  • 33 : Plan, implement and interpret the evaluation of the nutritional status of individuals and/or groups, both healthy (in all physiological situations) and ill.
  • 35 : Identify the dietary-nutritional problems of patients, as well as risk factors and inappropriate practices.
  • 36 : Prepare and interpret the dietary history of healthy and ill individuals.
  • 37 : Interpret a medical history.
  • 38 : Understand and use the terminology used in the health sciences field.
  • 39 : Interpret and integrate clinical, biochemical and pharmacological data in the nutritional assessment of the patient and his/her dietary-nutritional treatment.
  • 40 : Apply the foundations of clinical nutrition to diet therapy.
  • 41 : Plan, implant and evaluate therapeutic diets for individuals and/or groups.
  • 42 : Understand hospital organisation and various stages of the food service.
  • 43 : Participate in the multidisciplinary team of a Hospital Nutrition Unit.
  • 44 : Understand the different techniques and products used for basic and advanced nutritional support.
  • 45 : Develop and implement dietetic-nutritional transition plans.
  • 46 : Plan and implement dietetic-nutritional education programmes with sick and healthy subjects.
  • 47 : Understand clinical pharmacology and the interaction between medicines and nutrients.
  • 48 : Master the basic ITC tools used in the field of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics.
  • 50 : Prescribe specific treatment corresponding to the area of competence of the dietetist-nutritionist.
  • 51 : Be able to demonstrate the scientific principles underpinning the intervention of the dietetist-/nutritionist, with their professional activity conditional on the scientific evidence.


General Competences of the Degree Course (CG):>>Public health and community nutrition module

  • 54 : Design and carry out nutritional assessments to identify the diet and nutrition needs of the population, as well as identifying the determining factors of nutritional health.
  • 55 : Design, intervene in and implement diet-nutrition education and diet-nutrition training programmes.
  • 56 : Collaborate with planning diet-nutrition policies for dietary-nutritional education of the general public.
  • 57 : Acquire the capacity to take part in promotion, prevention and protection programmes focused on the community and public health.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2022-23

No data




Code: 27526
Lecturer responsible:
Martínez García, Alba
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 0,00
Practical credits: 0,60
Distance-base hours: 5,40

Departments involved

    Area: NURSING
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,6
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught