Classroom features and equipment


  • Accessibility: Adapted level
  • Air conditioner: Yes
  • Area of reduced visibility: No
  • Available plugs: 14
  • Classroom with tiered seating: No
  • Corridors: 1
  • Doors: 1
  • Emergency exit: No
  • Exterior ventilation: No
  • Heating system: Yes
  • Independent Cooling thermostat: Yes
  • Independent heating thermostat: Yes
  • Mobile furniture - Two-student desk: Yes
  • Plain school desk: Yes
  • Simultaneous projection screen and whiteboard: Yes
  • Teacher's desk with platform: No
  • Telephone line: No
  • Various lighting options available in this classroom: Yes
  • WIFI Internet connection: Yes
  • Windows: Yes


  • Audiovisual coneection panel-Audiovisual connection panel
  • Chalk board
  • Extensible projection screen
  • Teacher's computer
  • Videoprojector EPSON EB-93H